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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother All Stars 2: Dream Story W11P2

Oct 3, 2015 by Shabootyquiqui3
*Week 11 Part 2

McCrae (BB15) 1 HOH 4 NOM
Becky (BB17) 3 HOH 2 NOM
Nicole (BB16) 3 HOH 5 POV 2 NOM
Aaryn (BB15) 2 HOH 2 POV 1 NOM
Kalia (BB13) 1 HOH 1 POV 2 NOM
Britney (BB12/14) 1 HOH 1 POV 1 NOM

20th- Frankie (BB16) 1 NOM
19th- Rachel (BB12/13) 1 POV 1 NOM
18th- Ian (BB14) 2 NOM
17th- Jason (BB17) 1 HOH 1 NOM
16th- Dominic (BB13) 1 NOM
15th- Amanda (BB15) 1 NOM
14th- Derrick (BB16) 1 NOM
13th- James (BB17) 3 NOM
12th- Dan (BB10/14) 2 NOM
11th- Daniele (BB8/13) 1 HOH 1 POV 2 NOM
10th- Elissa (BB15) 1 POV 2 NOM
9th- Jackie (BB17) 1 HOH 3 NOM
8th- Donny (BB16) 1 HOH 2 NOM
7th- Zach (BB16) 2 POV 3 NOM

After the nomination ceremony Britney and Nicole met up to discuss what happened. Britney snapped Nicole out of it and said that they are the targets this week. Nicole then got very angry but contained herself in front of the other houseguests. We then get a DR session discussing how Nicole is going to use this to her advantage! She is going to fight this week for the POV and if the nominations are the same, she will just have to do whatever she can to make sure Britney goes home.

McCrae makes his way into the HOH room to find Aaryn sitting alone. As he walks in he asks f he can talk to her, with no intentions go discussing game. She said sure thing as he sat down. As he opened his mouth to begin speaking he just began balling with his head down. Aaryn made her way off the bed to join him on the couch and start hugging him. It his hard to understand what he begins speaking but the cc at the bottom of the screen says "This has just been so hard being a target every week, even though I haven't done anything to be a target. I know my time is coming up in the next week or so but I just don't want my game, or All Stars to end like this." As Aaryn is hugging him she says "McCrae I wasn't going to say this until after POV but I really want to work with you. Up until this point we haven't had a chance to work together, because it wouldn't have been smart. Now its the end game and its time to start thinking about the win. I think we can do this if we stick together and promise that we have each other's backs until the end of this hot mess." McCrae smiles and they begin to talk for a little bit longer about smaller details in the plan. Aaryn does warn him that he may have to go up this week if POV is used so it would be smart for him to try and win it and do what he wants with it.

There is no more game talk until the POV Competition. Jordan and Jeff are the host of this competition and it is the same competition as the past two seasons on the show where there is a comic book cover and they must hipline across the yard to memorize the correct comic book display. The order goes Becky, Britney, Aaryn, McCrae, Nicole and Kalia. After everyone has gone and everyone looks evenly split with the time the scores are revealed. Becky gets a time of 13:41. Britney gets a score of 12:58. Aaryn gets a score of 15:03. McCrae gets a score of 12:56. Nicole gets a score of 10:49. Nicole is currently in the lead and Kalia gets a score of... 11:41. Nicole has won the POV.

Everyone makes their way inside and Nicole and Britney immediately celebrate in the storage room. Nicole says she has to save herself this week and there are only 3 votes so they just need to find 2 more after nominations. Britney brings up the idea of trying to get Aaryn to put up one of their own like Kalia since she is a bigger target and turned on Daniele which would be a great case for the jury to vote for her to win. Britney and Nicole then make their way up to the HOH room and walk in on Aaryn and McCrae talking about their original season. Nicole brings up the idea to Aaryn and she nods her head during her entire case. She says that it would be the biggest move of the game but she would have to ensure the votes were in their favor and she would want a promise from all 3 of them (Britney, McCrae, and Nicole) that she would be guaranteed a spot in the Final 3. They all agree as Britney and Nicole leave, letting McCrae and Aaryn discuss the possibilities. Aaryn says it would be a great way to keep McCrae off of the block, however it could put an end to the chance of either McCrae or Aaryn getting to the end since Nicole is a clear powerhouse in competitions.

After two days of no game talk, it is then time for the POV Ceremony. Nicole uses the POV on herself and Aaryn stands up and says "I had a great deal proposed to me this week by both Nicole and Britney that was almost too good to pass up, as it would guarantee me a spot in the final 3. However, I am playing this game to win and not get 3rd, so for me to win I think I need to stick with the moves that matter the most for me to make it to the end, so I am sorry but McCrae I need you to take a seat." McCrae sits down as Aaryn adjourns the meeting.

We get an angry DR from Nicole mocking Aaryn about not playing for 3rd, as Nicole says that is what she is doing by aligning with Kalia and Becky. McCrae says he feels pretty confident, but anything could happen. Britney says it is now time to start making deals with Becky and Kalia, even if it does mean putting an end to her alliance with Nicole.

Next we get a glimpse of Britney creepily looking around the house to make sure no one sees her go outside to join #SoulSisters on the hammock. As she sneakily makes her way outside she confronts the women and says "I know you probably don't want to hear any game talk right now, but could you please just openly hear me out?" They agree and she brings up the points that she came here to win and not to be an angel. She says that she is willing to move forward, not working with Nicole and willing to work with Becky and Kalia. They then go through scenarios of keeping Britney over McCrae. If Nicole or Britney won HOH they would target Aaryn, and if Kalia or Becky won they would target Nicole, so in all of those scenarios The three of them would be safe, making an easy way to get to the final 3. After Britney leaves Kalia says that she makes a valid point, and how much longer are they going to stay loyal to #QueensofAllStars2. Kalia says if they made Final 3 with Britney, Becky would win endurance and Kalia would win the history round, meaning they would be guaranteed finals.

It was then time for the live vote and eviction. Everyone gathered in the living room dressed up as they must have been warned that there wouldn't be a physical competition for the HOH. Britney and McCrae both make their speeches and it is then time for the live vote and eviction. The votes go in the following order:
Nicole- McCrae
Kalia- Britney
Becky- Britney
By a vote of 2-1 Britney, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Britney leaves and hugs Nicole for a long time. Britney whispers in Nicole's ear and says "There are 2 separate final 2's, Kalecky and Mcryn, play both of them and take one of each out going into the final 3." She then kisses her on the cheek and runs out as she wishes everyone luck. Britney receives a loud roar from the audience, but not as loved as her first two seasons. She discusses how she played a more strategic game this time around, and it proved with her going unnominated until his week!



Ugh McCrae better not wim
Sent by Kaseyhope101,Oct 3, 2015
Seeing Nicole go at the F5 would be hilarious, but hoping for a McCrae boot
Sent by Maladus1,Oct 3, 2015
mccrae is so GROSS THO
Sent by lanadelrey_,Oct 4, 2015
thank god for britney going home
the only two good people left are #SoulSisters so i'm praying for that final two (or at least one of them winning)
mccrae is so boring
aaryn is just a completely awful person, but decent in this fanfic (although boring)
nicole is very decent irl, but comletely awful in this fanfic
Sent by AustinRules6969,Oct 4, 2015

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