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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother All Stars 2: Dream Story W12P1

Oct 4, 2015 by Shabootyquiqui3
*Week 12 Part 1

McCrae (BB15) 1 HOH 5 NOM
Becky (BB17) 3 HOH 2 NOM
Nicole (BB16) 3 HOH 6 POV 2 NOM
Aaryn (BB15) 2 HOH 2 POV 1 NOM
Kalia (BB13) 1 HOH 1 POV 2 NOM

20th- Frankie (BB16) 1 NOM
19th- Rachel (BB12/13) 1 POV 1 NOM
18th- Ian (BB14) 2 NOM
17th- Jason (BB17) 1 HOH 1 NOM
16th- Dominic (BB13) 1 NOM
15th- Amanda (BB15) 1 NOM
14th- Derrick (BB16) 1 NOM
13th- James (BB17) 3 NOM
12th- Dan (BB10/14) 2 NOM
11th- Daniele (BB8/13) 1 HOH 1 POV 2 NOM
10th- Elissa (BB15) 1 POV 2 NOM
9th- Jackie (BB17) 1 HOH 3 NOM
8th- Donny (BB16) 1 HOH 2 NOM
7th- Zach (BB16) 2 POV 3 NOM
6th- Britney (BB12/14) 1 HOH 1 POV 1 NOM

Everyone made their way to the backyard after Britney's eviction feeling very confident that they had what it took to make it to the top 4. The houseguests walk to the backyard to discover that this will actually be a physical challenge, even though everyone is dressed up. The backyard is a playground theme and Julie explains the rules of this endurance competition. The houseguests will hang by just their hands on their designated monkey bar. The last houseguest standing would win the HOH competition. Aaryn say on the bench of the park to watch since she was the last HOH. The competition then began. All houseguests were looking strong right out of the gate but within 15 minutes Nicole was already struggling but she was determined to win. After another half an hour, Nicole finally fell. About 3 minutes after she fell, McCrae slipped from the bars. This left just the #SoulSisters remaining on the monkey bars. Kalia said she could stay for a lot longer and she wanted to win, as Becky made a deal for safety in return. In a DR session Becky said she just made the deal so people didn't realize how close they were. Kalia had then won the HOH competition and guaranteed herself a spot in the Final 4.

All of the houseguests walked inside and noticed that they now had an extremely small table in kitchen, and they had now lost both the haven't cave themed bedroom and the downstairs antique paris themed bedroom. This left only the downstairs bedrooms of the train bedroom and the ancient Egypt room as well as the HOH room and the upstairs outer space themed room. Nicole went upstairs and started playing "chess" when in reality she was using the pieces to go through scenarios going into future weeks. She began whispering out loud that she thought McCrae would be easiest to beat in the end. She also said she needed t get rid of Aaryn this week and either Becky or Kalia the next, but preferably Kalia since she made bigger moves. Nicole thought of a plan and decided to act on it later that night.

Kalia was then rewarded her HOH room and was so excited to see pictures of her family so late in the game. After McCrae and Nicole left #QueensofAllStars2 started planning on what they needed to do this week. Kalia said she would obviously be putting up McCrae and Nicole for nominees, however if the veto is won by one of them they will still have numbers because it would tie and Kalia would save them.

At this same time Nicole pulls McCrae outside and talks to him about how they are clearly the outsiders. Nicole said they obviously haven't been working together but if either of them want a chance at finals they need to start now. Nicole then states "If you get close with Aaryn, I can try to get close with Kalia and Becky. That way we can try to separate the two of them but also protect each other on both sides. This is the perfect part of the game to try and get fractures started within alliances started towards the beginning." McCrae agrees and has a DR session saying "She is a little too late, I am going to the end of this thing with Aaryn. If it is up to me, you will be the next one gone Nicole!"

A lot had calmed down since then but Nicole decided it would be her chance to go talk to Kalia and Becky since both Aaryn and McCrae were out in the pool. Nicole started out by saying "I know I am your target guys, but I can clearly tell that Aaryn and McCrae have created a deal to go against you. I don't care if I have to go on the block this week, but I want you guys to remember that going forward I am willing to work with the both of you and get those other two out." Kalia questions Nicole and asks why she is trying to make these moves now. Nicole says that at this point she knows she is running out of gas, but she also realizes to stay in the game she has to choose a side between the two different final 2 deals, and this is the side she finds the most trustworthy.

As Aaryn and McCrae were in the pool McCrae brought up the conversation with Nicole earlier. Aaryn tells him to calm down with targeting Nicole because this week they need to try to get Becky out if she ends up on the block. Aaryn says that if she is off the block initially and McCrae is on it, he needs to throw the POV to her to ensure they are both safe this week.

Since this week was shortened, nominations would be Friday, POV saturday, Ceremony Sunday, and eviction Monday. There was no more game talk going into friday morning other than #SoulSisters planning on how to get to the end. It was then time for the nomination ceremony. Kalia brings the key box down. After an unsurprising nomination ceremony, Nicole and McCrae were nominated for eviction.



pleathe kalia and becky need to win
Sent by AustinRules6969,Oct 4, 2015

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