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Survivor Lookback #1: The Dreamz Dilemma

Mar 15, 2011 by UndercoverMonk
imageWhen I first heard of survivor they were just starting their second season in the austrailian outback. It sounded cool but when i tuned in it seemed like an episode of watch morons die in the dessert and i was soon bored. I held most reality shows in disdain even after Rupert from close-by Indianapolis went on to get national attention. But then I heard he would be competeing again in Heroes vs. Villians and that Boston Rob who I first saw in the Amazing Race (the only other reality show i watch consistently) would also compete. I wasnt all that interested but it was on TV during one of my free nights, so I decided to give it another chance. And Im glad I did I love the game; the alliances, the backstabbing, the challenges, I love it all. So I started watching the old seasons in order on youtube and have noticed how the game has changed so drastically since the days Richard hatch ensured his safety by catching fish.So I will be updating this blog each week with a lookback at some of the most memorable moments and contriversal characters the show has offered us in 22 seasons. And Im starting with one of the most hated survivor move out there.

(Spoilers Ahead)

In Survivor Fiji Dreamz was one of the most outspoken players and soon found himself isolated in his original Moto tribe. However when a tribal swap shook things up he found himself on the male dominated ravu tribe and formed an alliance with alex, edgardo, and mooky. However when the tribes merged he tried playing both sides and eventually sided with fan favorites Earl and Yau-man. But it was not this betrayal that causes the hatred of so many survivor fans. After Yau-man won a truck in a reward challenge he made a deal with dreamz who had no car of his own. Yau would give Dreamz the truck if Dreamz gave yau-man immunity if they both reached the final 4. They did and Dreamz won the final immunity challenge and told yau-man he would be honoring their agreement. At tribal council however dreamz saved himself and yau-man was voted out.

Now I understand why everyone hates dreamz but I think he gets a pretty raw deal. Im not sure I could have given away that immunity. After-all dreamz was basically told that he would be going home if he gave yau immunity to avoid the sympathy vote (dreamz at the time was homeless).So here are four reasons you should respect dreamz play

1. Dreamz initially tried to play the hero. When Moto first faced its first tribal council he brought everyone together and did what few survivors have ever tried to do. He tried to get the tribe to be open about who was the weak link they needed to vote off. No one wanted to be open about it and it is here on day 11 Dreamz learned a lesson about survivor you have to lie and be a "snake" if you want to win. No winner has ever played the game completely honest all the way through.

2. Dreamz initially had few friends. He remained loyal to his only early ally Cassandra all the way through. Cassandra wasnt very popular either as she never visited exile, never visited ravus sparse beach and never won immunity. But clearly Dreamz could keep his word as he promised to stick by her all the way.

3. Dreamz I think really did feel loyalty to the 4 horsemen alliance. But it was clear that he was the odd man out in that alliance so he did what any smart survivor player does after the merge. He played both sides expertly and waited to see which offered him a better deal. When Mooky revealed that he Alex and Edgardo had found an immunity idol several days earlier, Dreamz feared that he could not trust his fellow horsemen and jumped ship to his old ally Cassandra and her alliance. A move that earned him a lot of trust from earl and yau.

4. Finally he won the final immunity challenge and then smartly kept it for himself. Was it honest? Of course not but since when has honesty been a rule of survivor. I love Yau-man but lets face it Yau was playing the game just as hard as Dreamz was. In fact he was just as dirty as dreamz. Yau made a fake immunity idol and hid it where he found the old one. Yau didnt tell dreamz who his alliance was really voting after dreamz told them which of the 4 horsemen had the immunity idol. and he told dreamz he would be voting him out if he gave up the immunity necklace. Yau-man too a strategic risk and Dreamz while touched knew the truck was more than a gift it was a move designed to get him further in the game and let him and earl find another immunity idol. Dreamz made a tough decision that most of us were we in the same situation would have chosen and probably not felt as bad about it as Dreamz obviously did. he recieved no votes from a bitter jury but i think he would have received my vote. Earl was a very deserving and strategic player but Dreamz had less going for him than Earl and I respect players that make tough decisions to get to the final.

What are your thoughts is Dreamz really the scum of the earth or are his critics simply mad that he voted out their favorite player?


I don't watch survivor, sorry :(. +10, here take 0.1T instead :P
Sent by Zurks,Mar 15, 2011
its an awesome show you should check it out thanks! =)
Sent by UndercoverMonk,Mar 15, 2011
Hmm. This has always been a difficult one for me. For some reason, I have always liked Dreamz. But that one move is a legitimate reason to hate him. I understand why people hate him if they do, but $1,000,000 would potentially save his life, give him a home, and get him off the streets. He's from my hometown, and believe me, you do NOT want to be homeless here. It's a nice place for the most part, but the bad parts of town are as bad as it gets anywhere.

His move may not have been honest, but it was understandable.
Sent by Seal,Mar 15, 2011
yeah thats what I thought but all through the season he was being bashed on youtube
Sent by UndercoverMonk,Mar 15, 2011
Should've at least given yau-man back the car.
Sent by lethargy,Mar 15, 2011
Fuck Dreamz. He had a shitty sob story and had no game.
Sent by Hash,Mar 15, 2011
Nightmarez get's a raw deal because he essentialy stole a $60,000 truck (yes, that truck really cost that much.)  He also get's a raw deal because of his hypocrasy (claiming it was all just part of the game.  No it isn't, not when they much money is involved), or claiming he had been planning it all along (which means he either lied to yau-man or he lied to America.).  Frankly, Nightmarez disgusted me, may he never again blight my TV screen.
Sent by srgeman,Mar 16, 2011
but people do that kind of thing every season for an even bigger prize!!!

I just dont see how stealing the truck was as bad as any other blind side. Boston Rob promised Lex protection if he saved amber but did he keep his word NO!!! so he robbed Lex of a chance of 1 million dollars. I just dont see how thats different. Yau gave up that truck it wasnt stolen. Survivor is not the same as real life.

If Dreamz had followed his word he would be rembered as one of the greatest and stupidest survivors ever (i.e. Ian from palau) Instead he is remembere as one of the most hated but probably strategic. There is no way when watching the early episodes i thought he would make it to the end

and for that I say well done. Of course I ws pissed off yau was voted out cause i was rooting for him but i do appreciate good play
Sent by UndercoverMonk,Mar 16, 2011

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