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Survivor Tasmania Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Tasmania..

2181 days 5 hours ago
2181 days 5 hours ago
Cole K. (Coyle14):

Well the plan was to vote Christian out since he was gunning for me but apparently there was some shady business going on behind the scenes and now my only ally, Darcy was voted out and I am screwed, but now we remerged and I should be safe for the time being. Im gonna try and reconnect with Joey and Dylan. Mich is trying to do some damage control with me because he knows he fucked up by not telling me. I honestly don't care that Darcy is gone bc he was a threat but it just sucks bc that is a number for my game..
2181 days 5 hours ago
Austin S. (AustinRules6969):

this is such a wild time for me. i flipped to the darcy vote last time because i heard they were talking shit but apparently they weren't and i got #bamboozled. this means that mich and christian are fucking CANCELED. i'm so thankful that i am back with joe and can work with him again because he keeps me grounded. i am SO thankful that i got to the merge because i'm here to stay and i need to keep working this game socially so i can maintain my spot here
2181 days 5 hours ago
Mich F. (MichelleFitzgerald):

Im happy Darcy is gone
I want to be short bc im with the mobile
I know there is an alliance with 4-5 people, i ask matty yesterday and he told me about he is in the alliance of 4 with darcy and 2 more Burnies, so its all i need to vote out Darcy. I talked to Austin and send him a conversation where Darcy told me about vote him out soon, and then i talk to christian and i get the votes, it was easy really hahahahaha i know i have to do some damage control bc people are going to be angry
Matty told me that darcy is with us blabla i dont care bc im in the outside of this alliance so im not going to be a 5th if i could be in f2 or f3...
Today i talked with dylan about the majority alliance, i know he isnt in, so i explain why i vote out darcy and i think he understands me... But idk i think dylan dont trust me, but i like him so idk

I think and hooe today im staying, the target is caleb everyone is telling me that so.. Idk
2181 days 5 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

It feels so odd only sending a 3rd confessional while already at the final 10, but that's this cast for ya! So when we last left off, there was an unmerge! Of course I get Joey on my team, and you see, him and I have never been in a tribe together. We've seen each other pre-merge but never had to compete with one another, only ever against each other. It became obvious why we were never put on the same tribe, as we were able to dominate (with the help of Matty ofc). I was never concerned about that tribe, so I didn't make any new alliances, the only interesting development was the idol. Joey found it and showed me, which was cool since our evil plan of Cirieing someone down the line is coming to fruition.

Now Joey and I have an interesting relationship as I said before, while I'd like to believe he's the Evan to my Dale, we are huge threats together. I've voted him out twice in the past, so I wouldn't blame him to stab me in the back. He is still my #1 as of now, but just because of the potential for him to stab that knife into me, I have to make sure I have other relationships with people who are potentially after him.

While nothing happened on the Feel the Bern tribe, because for once the system was rigged for the Bern, the Calvin and Hobart tribe saw some interesting developments that finally Kickstarted (sponsored by Mtn Dew Kickstart) the game. There was a HUGE blindside on Johnny- Oh wait no... Darcy! You see Darcy was in good in this game, he had a lot of relationships and wasn't a huge threat in challenges which puts a huge target on people's backs with the idol twist. Darcy going opens up some of the game, but there are still a few people who may still think they're in casting. Mich was the one who pulled the move, supposedly getting Austin to blindside Darcy. This is surprising as I'd think it'd be Big Movez Cole who would have flipped, not Darcy's sheep Austin. This shows Austin is playing somewhat, just not with me. Or that Cole and Mich have some amazing plan going on.

At the immunity challenge, I won an idol..! Joey did help me win thankfully, although considering I beat Louis by a minute it really didn't make a difference, it's the thought that counts though. I really get paranoid with these things, so I may misplay it, but who knows. As for this vote, I want to try to set myself up nicely for the next couple of rounds, and get rid of one of Caiden/Bryan. I wanted Bryan but knew people would be more amendable for Caiden, so that's fine. I know I'm a potential threat, so I'm hoping for no blindside, but I've talked with Christian, Cole, Mich, and Joey a lot 1 on 1 and feel like at least one would tell me, unless whoever would isn't being told.

I want to try to work with Cole, as I think he's someone Joey wouldn't work with and I need to make sure I branch out and play my own game. He wants a 'middle' alliance with Louis and myself, thinking Mich/Christian will be on one side, Matty/Joey on the other. Matty and I haven't really talked much, and I get mostly one word answers from him, so I'm hoping to take him out sooner than later. Joey also feels close with Austin, but Austin just joined Mich in a move so I'm not sure where exactly his head is at, but that much of a wildcard isn't good for me.

So my hopeful plan is to take out Caiden, leaving Mich/Christian on one side, Matty/Joey on the other, Cole/Louis in the middle, and then hopefully either take out wildcards like Bryan/Austin, or try to get a blindside of Matty going with the help of Mich/Christian/Cole/Louis, but I'm not exactly sure where Louis is in this game so that could be an issue in the future.
2181 days 5 hours ago
Cole K. (Coyle14):

so the plan is to vote out Caiden because hes inactive. Which means that will leave the sides as Joey/Matty, Mich/Austin/Christian, Dylan/Cole, and then idk where Louis and Bryan are. Im hoping to continue to lay low but build connections with everyone to gain the trust of everyone
2181 days 5 hours ago
-----CAIDEN GETS 10TH-----
2181 days 5 hours ago
Christian J. (Christian37):

This Challenge will be a game changer. One of the questions stuck out to me and that was the whos going next. Someone is gonna become really paranoid and thats why i used that question to create havoc and paranoia.
2181 days 5 hours ago
Austin S. (AustinRules6969):

shook that i did so well at the challenge but that's what'd happen if they were at a time where i could compete ahahaha. i'm glad that i did well because it shows that i have about as good a grip on the game as i thought i did. unfortunately, i still know that most of the competition isn't taking me seriously. my new strategy is to keep people thinking that i'm not a factor but am still active because they'll start taking out bigger targets first. i am here to win and i'm so thankful that joey has been so honest and transparent with me because it helps me understand exactly what i can do in this game
2181 days 5 hours ago
Mich F. (MichelleFitzgerald):

ok ok ok
i think i made it to jury? hahahahaha
im so happy caleb is gone, im kind of sad bc i want to play with him but go to hell bc you ignore me omg <3
im not in the mood to insult everyone today. i know with this last comp everything bad is to me, im the liar (ty darcy) im the one who think is in control but not
im going to tell you something, idk if people trust me or not, i think some of them yes, but if bryan goes today, we are just 8
i have an alliance with everyone except louis, so... i know people gonna betray me, its obvious but if dylan and matty stay loyal to me, they cant vote me out, if matty told me people are making a blindside to me, hi idol, use byebye
im getting confident and i dont like that, but i got the feeling if dylan and matty trust me its all i need, bc people arent trying to make a move without them bc they are strong players... i need them as they need me
matty told me yesterday that is the perfect moment to make a move, ik f9 is like a fantasy to make a move and get crazy but people are afraid to make a move and fail bc if bryan doesnt vote, everything is destroy bc he is evacuated and anyone go
so im worried people make a move and idk it, as far i know is bryan the one vote out but im going to be careful
2181 days 5 hours ago
Christian J. (Christian37):


Gratz you are the lucky person who just won a prize, unfotunate the prize is a plane ticket home.
2181 days 5 hours ago
-----BRYAN GETS 9TH-----
2181 days 5 hours ago
Cole K. (Coyle14):

so this is going to be the first tribal that isn't considered an "easy vote" bc the rest of us are active. The current standings for alliances (according to Dylan) Joey/Matty/Austin, Mich/Christian, Dylan/Cole and then Louis I have no clue. Joey, Matty, Austin want to vote Christian in hoping to flush Mich's idol. However, I want to make a big move. Matty is going to be a HUGE threat moving forward and if he doesn't go now then I don't see him going at all. My plan is to tell Mich to play his idol on Christian. Christian/Mich vote Matty, while the rest of us vote Christian. There may be some variables thrown in that I will discuss with Dylan but if this works then its looking good for me moving forward
2181 days 5 hours ago
Austin S. (AustinRules6969):

i've been trying to make my presence a little more known in the most recent rounds and i feel like that's been working for me. dylan has been talking to me and i think he really likes me and wants to work with me. i'm starting to really show these people how big of a force i can be in this game. i love the game that i'm playing and i'm trying my hardest but i really hope i can trust joey as much as i think i can
2181 days 5 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

One great thing about this season is the iconic boots. Burgerman going after saying there are tons of multis, TMAN LOOKING MAD, Darcy going off on Mich for backstabbing him, and now Caiden thanking the 1 loyal person despite it being unanimous, unless Bryan agreed to vote himself I guess.

So going into the final 9, I thought the game would kickstart, but rather, just seems like Bryan is gonna get evaced. I was able to win my second challenge in a row, and being voted most trustworthy can only bite me in the ass when Imma have to make decisions. The vote was pretty simple, everyone knew he was likely evaced. I also reached out to Austin, and Matty started to talk to me. I really like them both, Matty used to give me one word answers but now was much more open, but still didn't get much more than game talk. Austin and I got to talk abt life which always makes me want to work with a player more. Basically I like to bring people further that I just like more, and right now, Joey, Mich, Austin, and Cole are my top 4. The issue? They're from different sides of this game.

I think I have the trust of Joey as he told me about the idol, and I really do want final 2 with him, but I also need to make sure we can make it. Matty/Austin can be good at challenges, mainly Matty, and both have a better relationship with Joey than myself. Because of Joey's challenge abilities and his idol find, it should be easy to make sure he never goes no matter what I do. This latest vote is where things are gonna really begin, and fast. Joey wants a final 4 with Matty/Austin, and I'm iffy on that. I know Joey is close with both of them, and he himself bases things on social relationships, so I don't think he'd be amendable to taking them out too early.

Meanwhile, Mich/Christian are on another island, mainly because everyone sees them as together even though they really aren't. Mich, well idk where he is in this game right now, but I think he trusts me enough so we can work something out. Joey's alliance wants to take out Christian, while making Mich feel like it's him. By doing so, they can flush an idol and get rid of someone not working with them, and with me, have the numbers and all the idols. It's a good play, but I have relationships with Mich/Cole and can't let those break down.

Sure, at final 7 I could flip on say Matty, then take out Louis/Christian, but then everybody would know the game I'm playing. I need to try to do it more with stealth. Cole came to me, and I was hoping he'd wanna do something because I didn't want to suggest it and throw it out there. Luckily, he suggested a plan: get Mich to play the idol on Christian, have the two of them vote for Matty. I did want an insurance policy, because I didn't want a revote in which Mich went, and suggested that there be a thrown vote to Austin. I really don't want Austin to go, but that is really the best alternative for me as if Matty were to play the idol, the only other option would likely be Mich.

So of course I needed ways to cover my tracks. First, I needed others to tell Cole that the plan was Christian. That way, he would be more the culprit because otherwise, how else would he find out? Secondly, I needed a way to make sure there was a vote on Austin without the plan getting out, so I recommended to Cole he be the vote, and tell Louis the plan is Christian so it all looks ok, then Cole can blame Louis for the Austin vote to the others. Now a lot of this plan hinders on the idea that Mich will indeed play the idol on Christian, and not tell anyone anything else. That's a large hope, and I'm putting everything in that basket.

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