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Survivor Tasmania Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Tasmania..

2181 days 17 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

Assuming that does happen, Cole will trust me from me doing that with him, Mich/Christian will trust me for helping saving their asses, and hopefully Joey and whoever out of Matty/Austin stays will trust me because the blame will be on Cole or Louis idk. Cole thinks he can blame Austin for it all, which I know isn't going to work, but he doesn't need to know that.

I'm trying to help save the season's end game ok? I may end up being a huge target and gone soon, or just a final 2 goat as a result, but I'm TRYING SOMETHING. I have no idea what comes after that, but with so many idols in the game, I should be able to figure something out. Final 7 will be where my game likely gets exposed, but you know what, fuck it. I'll try to win some immunities and maybe if I can play my cards right, put myself in good with enough people to always have an out. Can't wait for my 0 votes 2nd place waiting for me.

God this was all so gamebotty, I'm sorry. I guess I can try to give a review of a movie but I never go out to movies. I'm always like someone's 2nd or 3rd best friend so I never really have anyone to go with ever. Always have to wait till it gets on Netflix or like amazon. Like I would stream shit but I feel like it's unethical so I only stream shit I can't get like idk international Survivor/Big Brothers and the genius cuz I'm a nerd I guess. I did watch Thor Ragnarok or however the fuck you spell it finally! It ranked #4 on my Marvel movies list, still haven't seen Spiderman/Thanos fucks everyone yet. So idk. I hope neither of you watch Marvel and this was a dumb tangent.
2181 days 17 hours ago
Cole K. (Coyle14):

Okay, so the plan right now is for Joey/Matty/Austin/Dylan/Louis to vote Christian. Mich/Christian will vote Matty. I will vote Austin. Mich will play his idol on Christian and Joey/Dylan are also playing one of their idols. I am voting Austin in case of Matty playing his idol. I really hope this plan works because I need to solidify a final 4 of me, Dylan, mich, and Christian. I think I have a great shot against all of them (besides Dylan). Let hope this plan goes without a hitch
2181 days 17 hours ago
Mich F. (MichelleFitzgerald):

im so confused
i know only 1 thing, if im not going, im going for Cole, this fucking shit
playing with me OMG i hate him that way
ok here is the deal, today cole comes to me and told me people are going to try flush my idol on me, but really they want to vote out christian
so i have to use my idol on christian and vote out matty, sounds crazy but i dont want to evict matty so i told him i have to think about it
aparently, matty/joey/louis/austian are together and dylan/cole/christian too
but i really think im going tonight bc im dumb
but of the but, i want to play this game hard so i need to do something if im going home, better for me.
SO matty and his group are voting for chris (4), me dylan and chris voting for Matty (3) and cole voting for austin, but i dont trust him AT ALL
i told cole im not using my idol and he starts to press me a lot, so i think if they are right and the plan goes on
i got her trust, i got matty trust and tomorrow ill be in the middle and decide what to do
SO i think is a win win situation for me, if i fail, good night hahahaha shame on me byebye

so idk i really think im going, idk what is going to happen
this could be my last words in a conf OMG

some spanish words: "realmente si me voy hoy espero que os jodan a todos hijos de puta, porque sois unos putos mierdas, cole eres el mayor retrasado mental del mundo, te piensas que no sé que estás jugando conmigo, pedazo de cabron, te piensas que soy gilipollas, pero yo he ganado dos survivors y no me importa perder este porque lo que realmente quiero es quedarme y echarte de aqui imbecil de mierda, asique como me salves hoy va a ser tu perdición, y si me echas voy a poner a todos en tu contra en el puto jury ok?" BYE

im going to insert in the traslate to make sure he can know what i say to him, yes it works

2181 days 17 hours ago
Mich F. (MichelleFitzgerald):


i change my mind
2181 days 17 hours ago
Christian J. (Christian37):

This is is the first vote im really unsure over. I dont expect him to good because he has an idol but it will be really exciting. I feel like this is the biggest tribal council so far. Anyvone could go. This whole season has been pretty peaceful, but a bomb has been ticking down and its blowing tonight.
2181 days 17 hours ago
2181 days 17 hours ago
Christian J. (Christian37) [Exit Confessional]:

I may have lost but i got further than i believed i will. Thanks for letting me on and beign great hosts. I can with a hand on my heart say this is the best group game i participated in. In the end i was betrayed by those i believed in the most. Im not angry or sad, just shocked. Happy to be on the jury.

Christian Jones has left the building(island)
2174 days 17 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

So you're probably wondering how that huge plan to get a #blindside didn't work. Basically it was a mix of a couple things, such as miscommunication and failure to see allies. I should of talked to Mich first instead of Cole, and we didn't realize how Matty/Mich were close. However, because I want a winner's edit, I'm not gonna blame myself and instead state how badly Cole handled this. The guy has hardly talked to Mich, and is suddenly telling him he has to play his idol on Christian, then take out Matty. We should have had me, who has a better relationship with Mich talk to him first then Cole affirm it later, but no, Mich felt like he was being forced to do something and bailed.

I also blame my dad as he said to meet him somewhere at 12:30 and didn't arrive till 2:30 so I was there trying to avoid any social interaction in my car. What coulda been done in that time, who knows. Also pretty sure he found my fleshlight or like condoms I got as a joke cuz god knows I never have sex. Whichever one he found would elicit very different feelings so I guess I'm pulling for #TeamCondom.

So now, I was able to at least manipulate this to blame the entire thing on Cole/Matty I believe. Joey wanted a final 3 with Austin and I, and while that's good, I know in the end Austin is always going to go with Joey. Even if Joey takes me to the end, I know Austin wouldn't. So I'm thinking of trying to bring someone like Cole to the final 4 at least, and try to take Austin out before the final 3.

As for this vote, I want there to be as little talk as possible before the vote as people could freak tf out. Austin/Joey want to get Mich out with the idol, but my plan was to tell Louis/Cole to throw some votes at Matty, get Mich to play the idol, then maybe we can take out Matty and his idol at the revote, or he plays it, and boom two are gone. However, I need to make sure I don't get caught this time as well, cuz idk reasons. I really hope I go out with 2 idols in my pockets like it'd be fitting.
2174 days 17 hours ago
Mich F. (MichelleFitzgerald):

i know people is lying to me, im just waiting someone told me
its so obvious louis isnt go so dylan come and told me people are voting me, but maybe matty not
i talk to matty and he didnt answer me, so heis voting louis and then when i go he is like oh sorry i wasnt here
fuck u
so i have no time
im using my idol on me

and we will see
2174 days 17 hours ago
-----LOUIS GETS 7TH-----
2174 days 17 hours ago
Cole K. (Coyle14):

I just don't know what to do anymore. I tried so hard to get Matty out. If Louis didn't self vote and voted on time, then Matty would've gone home in a revote. Every time I try and make a big move, someone or something foils my plans. Its like the Survivor Gods Hate Me. This round the plan is to split the vote 2-2-2. 2 on Matty, 2 on Mich, and 2 on whoever Matty/Mich do, which probably me. Joey, Dylan, and Matty are playing their idols, which leaves Austin, Mich, and I vulnerable, but who knows who has the tribal idols. I don't feel defeated, I feel stuck bc I don't know what to do anymore. :/
2174 days 17 hours ago
Austin S. (AustinRules6969):

i can't wait to get votes again! being this late in the game, the target on my back keeps going and going and i think that it's because people are aware of how strong my game has been up to this point while remaining so lowkey. mich is targeting me incessantly and i still don't understand why but that won't shake me. i know that i have to be confident and not get too paranoid at this point so i've gotta vote cole as he's one of the only ways i can get through these next few rounds. people can come for me all they want but my eyes will not once leave that goddamn crown and spot in the winner's circle
2174 days 17 hours ago
Mich F. (MichelleFitzgerald):

ok i want to explain somethings
yesterday i know something is going to happen so i act like normal bc i am going to use the idol but dylan come to me and told me about the move thing agaisnt me
so i want to play the idol of course and i say matty im worried, but he didnt answer me, i believe he is only but he doesnt want to tell me, but he dont vote to me bc dylan told me, so i told dylan if i vote austin, and you vote me there is a tie 1-1 so we can revote, and then we dream together and think about a triple tie with louis, matty and austin
of course i dont want to vote matty out bc i trust him but in this moment im a little upset but i will not vote him out i just want him feeling in danger, bc im always the one who is indanger and in the target and he is not so
our dream was destroyed by louis voting himself out but its iconic i mean the person who i dont talk in the game, vote out with my idol
i want to go for a big fish, but joey isnt allowed (he is my target n1) so i want to debilitate him, we think austin is close to him so thats for why i ant him gone but this could be so ok its fine but could be better
austin is a piece of shit, waiting for his 2nd bc he is not going to win i mean i will not vote him, and his comment yesterday makes me think about his intelligence, bc he doesnt understand anything, there isnt a person voting u tribal after tribal, u arent that important RETARD
ok and then cole, the biggest comic in the word
read it pls
[0:29:42] Cole Knight (SV): I just wanna let you know that I know that you and Matty are aligned and you were the one to tell him about my plan. You have backstabbed twice now and I’m sorry but I refuse to work with you
[0:29:53] Cole Knight (SV): Good luck in the game
[0:34:18] Rafaé (MichF): every plan you make its ruined by me, i know u hate me, so obvious bye
[0:37:41] Cole Knight (SV): You lying to me constantly doesn’t help
[0:37:46] Cole Knight (SV): You lied to me about Darcy
[0:37:51] Cole Knight (SV): You lied to me about Matty
[0:37:58] Cole Knight (SV): No more lies
[0:41:18] Rafaé (MichF): of course cole, of course

i mean, i dont betray you cole bc i never trust u, so IF WE ARENT FRIENDS OR ALLIE THERE IS NOT BETRAY, fuck u really cole, you are a piece of crab and u cant do anything in these game
you press me to make a dumb move against my allie, you get mad at me, and then you told me sorry, and yesterday you told me the vote is louis and then u flop on me but of course its my fault hahahahahah im your nightmare and i will destroy all your plans until you go home retarded and i hope you are going today
the funniest thing, matty come to me with the drama blabla, of course he doesnt answer me before the tribal but he does after (surprise) im not mad at him, but i think he is like im not voting you blabla but if the rest vote u and im playing the dumb, its fine. i mean its fair game, you can do it, im not going to be mad, but idk if he is telling the truth and i want to see it in his confesionals

today the vote is cole but i dont want him evicted i mean, he is a big target and he is a retard so
i want austin out, i will work on it
bye bye
2174 days 17 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

Oh my jesus. Excuse my gamebottyness but oh my jesus I had a perf plan. Mich was the target of Joey/Austin, for good reason, he had an idol and to them was potentially with Matty. Why was he potentially with Matty? Because Mich apparently ratted out Cole to Matty, so I wanted to play to this and bring a final 3 alliance together with Austin/Joey by saying we couldn't trust Matty. To me, Matty is the biggest unknown in this game, so I wanted to isolate him for now and take him out. Joey/Cole/Mich all trusted me, and Austin is with Joey, Louis with Cole. So if I could somehow get Matty out, I felt like I'd be golden.

So now that Austin/Joey thought Mich/Matty had something together (which I believe they did at one point), they didn't want to inform Matty of the vote, and tell Matty/Mich to vote Louis. Thus, if Mich plays the idol, Louis goes. Of course I want to take out as many idols as possible because I'm a fucking greedy SOB, so I wanted to get Louis/Cole to vote Matty. Then, if Matty played his idol too, two were gone, and if not, he could go at the revote and be sent home.

I had to make sure this plan went into effect and didn't cause last second drama, so 40 minutes before the vote I told Mich to play his idol, and he wanted to vote Austin. I said I'd vote Matty for the lolz of causing a 1-1-1 vote possibly at the revote, but the real plan was to get Louis/Cole to take out Matty by a 2-1-1 vote. I guess Louis voted Mich anyway, but still the plan would have worked because at the revote Matty would have gone. But god, I try to put together two big plans and they both don't work. The bright side? Everyone still seems to trust me. I think Joey is a bit more weary but I have an alliance with him/Austin, Matty felt isolated, Cole felt like our plan failed but I showed I was with him putting it together, and I told Mich to play his idol.

I blamed everything on Cole/Joey/Austin to Matty, and everything on everyone else to Mich, and blamed everything on Cole to Joey/Austin, and just on FUCKING LOUIS for self voting to Cole. Basically I'm in a web of lies but have been able to avoid being a pivotal vote so I can hide it. I still want to take Joey to the end though, but now I have to think of a way to best do that. On one hand, taking out Austin in F4/making him tie with Matty or Mich would be make sure Matty/Mich take me over Joey, but I'm not sure if Joey would be too pissed at me and take me out as a result. I also don't know of Joey is just going to take Austin anyway because it's an easy win. I'll have to figure that out final 4, but I have to make sure whoever is with us in the final 4 is willing to play ball.

That's why I reached out to my white whale, Matty. I tried taking him out twice, but this time I'm gonna take him out on a date. Sorry I haven't gotten much sleep and I worked out for the first time in decades while drinking too much last night so my brain isn't working. Who knew working out was exhausting? Gotta get that beach bod for those tits and diccs tho amirite? Anyway I was talking to Matty, and I think he'd be willing to go to the end with me over someone like Joey. The issue is, if I vote him out, he's gonna be pissed. Idk what to do, I've tried spicing this game up and either people will respect it or just be pissed. Either way, I think I will have either won or lost this season because of my own doing and there's some solace (that is not the right word but my brain is going with it) in that. After playing seasons where my fate was in others hands, my mistakes will either win me or lose me this game. No one else is to blame but myself.
2174 days 17 hours ago
-----COLE GETS 6TH-----

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