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Survivor: Socotra Confessionals

Topic » Survivor: Socotra..

3136 days 8 hours ago
3136 days 8 hours ago
jesus christ fuck this gay ass tribe i think i'm finally in group game hell where i belong
like i'm glad we have people that don't suck dick at challenges but first off we have stoner like he's an angry young man and he needs to cheer the fuck up and put a shirt on.
i don't think i've talked to anyone else besides him and the boy daniel. if stoner talks to me and pulls me along i'll go ahead and sheep him fuck it make him put on the leader tag what the FUCK ever
group game hell sounds so good that's gonna be my catchphrase fucking tight like "I'M GONNA SEND YOU STRAIGHT TO GROUP GAME HELL" haha fucking beast
3136 days 4 hours ago
SerenityFirefly: So Steve and I are apparently a great team. I didn't expect that because of how badly we tried to kill each other at RedChaos' Survivor a while back. Original Hadibu have not been to tribal yet, none of us. This is a miracle.
3136 days 4 hours ago
WitZ: Wow. This game is going SO well right now. Literally everything is working perfectly. 3 consecutive wins and then a tribe swap. Usually tribe swaps are awful for me but this one is perfect. I am on a tribe with 3 other original tribe members! In our tribe of 5 our tribe has a 4-1 majority! I am also super happy that the new Hadibu tribe was the one to lose. As most of the new Qulan is old Hadibu we have an old tribe mate in a risky spot in the new Perryi. We have no one though in this new Hadibu tribe. Hopefully they can keep losing and the old Hadibu can be strong moving into the merge. I cant wait to see how the rest of this game will play out!
3136 days 4 hours ago
Renegade628: This is awkward. No one is talking to me whatsoever, only two people have replied to any mails (once each) but I'm still here because I somehow avoid tribal because of my tribe mates. I'm not quite sure what to do at this point. Lying low feels like the best option; no use in stirring the pot by alerting these people that I exist. Yep, just good old nonexistent over here in nonexistent world doing nonexistent things. Over there is Tengaged's sense of humor. Right to my side is the reality where Russell Hantz deserved to win Survivor. And in the back is my social game. I'm pretty roomy here, if I do say so myself.

I'll probably be voted off soon. I should probably do something to change that. But what do they know about me? I don't exist. Good luck trying to vote out nobody, losers.
3136 days 4 hours ago
Renegade628: While I may not be the best strategist this season's ever seen, I'm pretty sure I'm the best ice cube on a grill with this tribe. Nobody talks to me, so I can only assume they are boring squares. So I've decided to make them talk. I hid the machete earlier, wanna know where? In the ocean. They'll have to search for days to find it. Actually I didn't hide it, I dropped it in the ocean and the tide carried it away. But whatever, the first story sounds much more convincing. Anyone who's ever hid the machete has gotten to the final 3. Russell? Sandra? Other irrelevant people I'm forgetting? It's a proven science. These people may have an alliance but it's nothing compared to my winning edit.
3136 days 3 hours ago

Well, when I found out that we were going to be separated into new tribes of 3, I wasn't happy. Then I found out the tribes, and was happier. We have a 3-2 advantage, and I think the vote's pretty clear if you read the tribal council page.
3136 days 3 hours ago

I have many things I would like to address in this confessional, the first of which being production's seemingly laissez-faire attitude in regards to medical evacuations. We've gotten a lot of rain and heat, and poor Andrew has apparently been losing consciousness! Russell Swan lost consciousness one time and they pulled him immediately. The lack of regard for human safety reflects badly on production and makes me worry for my own safety. What will happen to me if I happen to black out? Will I be left for dead?

The second is my conversation with Jordan about the machete I totally intended to lose. My efforts to make it look like an accident, which it totally wasn't, have been a success. Jordan suspects no foul play. I am concerned about James, however. He saw me with the machete and could make a valid argument for my astute red-handedness in its disappearance. He will need to be voted off, second, after Andrew leaves of course. Jordan further elaborated to me that there's a possibility of four of us on the tribe teaming up. I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, James could expose me for the machete deception at any point. The original tribe may not be my best option if I hope to conceal how diabolical I really am.
3136 days 3 hours ago

SEAN: Want to help me look for the machete? I can't find it anywhere

JORDAN: Machete? Where'd you leave it?

SEAN: I left it near the shelter in the morning and when I came back later it was gone.

JORDAN: Ah shoot. Well where'd you use it last? It might still be there.

SEAN: I used it near the well, when I was getting wood with Witz. Want to go there with me to check?

JORDAN: All right, let's head over there

SEAN: -Walks to the water well- I don't see it anywhere, do you?

JORDAN: -Looks around- Nope.... Oh no. It's not in the well, is it?

SEAN: Oh, I hope not -Opens well- Do machetes float?

JORDAN: I don't think so, knives don't. Are we screwed?

SEAN: It looks like it. :( What will the tribe think? I was the last one to have it...

JORDAN: I wouldn't worry too much, we've won every challenge so far and the majority of reward challenges give out things that cut things. If you don't mention the machete nobody will know it was you. Except for James, but he probably forgot who touched it last.

SEAN: I've heard James has a really good memory. We might need to vote him out, just to make sure that no one ever knows what happened on this day.

JORDAN: If there's any problems we'll cross that road when we come to it. Until then, our shelter's... all right, we have enough food to survive the next few days, we'll be fine. And if we aren't, we'll bring it up at the next challenge and trade our rice.

SEAN: But then the whole tribe will know I lost the machete and want to vote me out because we have no rice.

JORDAN: Yeah but Andrew's been in and out of comatose for the past while, so we have our priorities straight.

SEAN: Wait, what? They evacuated Shamar for sand in his eye but won't evacuate Andrew when he's constantly losing consciousness? Oh, the humanity

JORDAN: Eh he seems to be wobbling about now, not worth an evac.

SEAN: I guess. But we kind of have to vote him out first, I mean, he could die.

JORDAN: I was probably going to anyway, we kept four Hadibu in the switch

SEAN: Very true. Does this mean that we're all voting together when we reach things like the merger? That sounds so... evil, don't you think?

JORDAN: Well doesn't it seem more evil to vote off one of the others right now? We've won four immunity challenges and got the medallion of pour every time.

SEAN: But James knows about the machete. He could ruin all of our games.

JORDAN: And if he does we... well I would say slit his throat, but we have no machete. So... we.... vote him

SEAN: Agreed :)
3135 days 20 hours ago

So I had a a lot of trouble looking for the idol, and when I got to it, it said it was claimed today. I was just talking to Steve, who helped me figure out the first two clues, hoping it's him.
3135 days 14 hours ago
Choirwolf: Okay here's the deal Honey is probably leaving tonight and I feel bad. My grandma never had a stroke I just went to hang out with her but I wanted to make everyone feel bad so they hopefully wouldn't vote me out hahaha now that I've set the president (I even let them know she's in a coma and only has a couple more days hahahahahaha) I'm a bad person I know. I was driving to see her though so that wasn't a lie plus I don't like being on my phone while driving! Anyways I'll play she died if I think I'm leaving in the next couple of days. I just feel bad for Honey because she was kind of my ride or die. Well whatever I am going to go along with her and vote JUSTIN just to make her happy. I did promise her I wouldn't vote her out and I do whatever I can not to go back on my promise. So JUSTIN hopefully I don't leave...
3135 days 13 hours ago

Well, Qulan was a boring ass time, we didn't go to tribal once and now I'm stuck with this new tribe Idk I think it goes along the lines of tyler perry. And theres a weird typo and the end of the name with an "I". In my last tribe I really aligned myself with everyone including the noob PureControl, as I thought no one likes him, well lemme use that to my advantage. Now that I think of it I'll need him in merge so I guess in whatever tribe he's on I'll help him out.

I was real close with Greg and Justin and I are in another game together so what else am I supposed to do. I don't want that eye for an eye shit where he comes for my ass in the other game we're playing. Onto my swapped tribe. Hpop I don't know who the guy is but that wont hold me back from getting to know him... and then voting his ass out. Eli, seems chill but he's a high colour level and that intimidates me so he'll go too. Gaia my boi, I'll need him to survive this tribe so he'll be with me. I wont say anything cheeky about him because he's a better player than me and it's downright stupid to go after right now. He has Scott who's very close to him, Scott has ties with his other Habidu and it's pretty impossible to take them out. If you can get them packing join them, why not.

Scott I could work with but I wanna cut that tie he has with Eli before I wanna really trust him. At this point when I look at things I think I'll NEED hpop for my schemes in this tribe, and that if we EVER go to tribal
3135 days 11 hours ago
Justin is sending me threatening mails saying i better hope we win the next challenge and calling me bitch is that considered fun or polite gameplay?
3135 days 7 hours ago
Fobbyig: i'm not really too sure what to think of everything so far like NuHadibu is awful like i want them to get ulonged but i want honey to make merge for some reason???
i have like no strategic insight and no plans for the merge since i'm doing jackshit in terms of alliances but if honey is voted out "they will pay....." - my boy scooby0000
for real i will just pagong them that's it like how many different strategies can people have in group games.
at least i don't resort to sending empty death threats amirite?
3135 days 6 hours ago
Another Win <3 5/5 I am one step closer to the win :p Everything is still going fine... I am really close to the Qulan idol... I think I am at the final clue.. it is super hard though urgh... Hopefully I could find it cause that would top off an already awesome start to this season.

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