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The smrtrtl25's blog

Posts 18 posts

Digital Brother Contestant Post #2 Oct 9, 2008
So the game has officially started! Awesome! So a new group has formed just for the 13 of us, and we have no idea what we are doing. As of now, or Latina and I have posted, but I'm sure it will soon be infiltrated by everyone else. I suggested some possible structural outlines for posting, but I have no idea how people expect this to be done. I'm liking the idea of a faux-big brother house and we would get in character and all, but I doubt people would be that creative. Also, I'm a bit tense about alliance forming in the house. Everyone strives to develop alliances probably because that is how they played their games in rookie games. However, alliances won't be too helpful in this game because it's European style. Unlike US BB, housemates don't get to evict other housemates, like in Rookie games. Housemates can only vote to nominate, and the viewers get to choose who is evicted. So alliances are great and all for choosing who to nominate, but this will only go so far because nominating a popular person will do no good. So I strongly advise people to not form alliances in this game because it takes away from the fun of having great discussions, which is what this game should be about. I hope that I don't like too much of a wuss, but alliances make the game too vicious and not enjoyable. So anyways, everyone should join the group Digital Brother discussion to vote and save your favs and talk about what is happening. Here's the link:
Points: 7 2 comments
Digital Brother Contestant Post #1 Oct 7, 2008
So I've been revealed as a contestant, and I can talk about being a contestant. So I guess that was the reason I have been hammering people to join the group, because we have 79 people! And we could use more! I'm not trying to create support for me specifically (though that would be awesome as I am an unknown player), but instead I just want this group/game to be the greatest it can be by increasing its awareness and support. Though the group is no longer open, I think you can still join by requesting, and that would be awesome. Now enough of the advertising.
Anyways, so I am new to tengaged, and I am happy to participate in this game even though this is my fourth day playing. Yes, I know another player posted that you need karma to be selected, but look at me. No karma at all, but I'm still a contestant. For future applicants, I suggest writing a CRAP load of stuff on your application. Everyone else just wrote "Choose me because I love Big Brother and I love Tengaged!," but that won't cut it. Be creative! Show that you add something! For my application, I created a list of 10 qualities and how they were beneficially applicable to the group. And hey, I'm in.
Now looking at the other players, I'm a bit shocked. Firstly, there are only nine. I initially had the impression that there would be 14 or so, but then I found out not everyone was revealed. So I guess I'm glad that I was in the first revealed group so that I can talk about this. Secondly, I'm up against greats like AndyShield, Bubblyangel, Summerlynn, Latina, and others. I'm very scared because they have histories, people know them. I've only been in one game (still playing it, day 4, game 7294), so nobody knows me and I have no incoming support. But hey, isn't that how Big Brother was created? A group of random, unknown people sharing their lives. In a way, I wish there were more new people to stick to this philosophy. But hey, if I'm talking to the famous, then I get my name in, so people will know me. But it's not about being known; it's about sharing eachother's lives together in a competitive manner. I hope that through this experience I really get to know these contestants, unlike some games where half are never on and you evict them because they are dead accounts.
Well, I'm looking forward to this experience, and if anyone is reading/ following my blogs, you will get to see how I interpret this amazing experience. Until next time...
Points: 0 2 comments
Big Brother Alpha Deadline Soon! Oct 6, 2008
So, as you have seen, more people are posting about Big Brother Alpha, which is awesome. And more people are joining, which is is even more awesome. A community is developing, and this is directly the path that I was hoping to follow. So everyone should join the group Big Brother Alpha at so that people can participate because you can only participate if you are part of the group. However, there is a big problem:
Seriously, strengthen the Tengaged population by joining. All you do is read another game and vote for your favorites! Right now, there are about 65 people. I'd like to get it up to 75, if not 100! I know we can do it, so join before it's too late!
Points: 0 0 comments
Big Brother Online Community: join...please Oct 5, 2008
So I joined the Digital Big Brother group, and it sounds pretty audience interactive. I'm guessing people will vote for favorites and what not, just like the European version of Big Brother. I applied, but I don't know yet if I got in. But that doesn't matter. The point I'm trying to make is that everyone in tengaged to join the group because then people can vote. This hopefully will establish a tighter tengaged community, which would be awesome. Plus, it becomes more fun when more people are involved. So everyone join the group called Big Brother Alpha: I think the game starts later this week, but I'm unsure. JUST JOIN FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE TENGAGED COMMUNITY!
Points: 16 5 comments
Interesting Oct 5, 2008
So this is day 3 on Tengaged for me. It seems like an amusing game. It runs very very very slowly as I have barely anyon eto talk to on my game (besides Bentley, Desiree, and Emma, who are both awesome!) But anyways, I survived the first eviction (wasn't nominated, but none-the-less still survived!), which was...weird. Hoping for something a bit more dramatic than a darker pic and new nominations. Oh well. Fortunately, I avoided being nominated again probably because of my lovely chat with Emma. I know she accidently joined my game, but it's very appreciative that she still puts in the effort to play. It grates my nerves that some people who join accidently don't contribute, but I guess I can't put too much blame on them. I am starting to see why some dislike certain aspects of this game.
But anyways, I joined the Digital Brother group in hopes of being accepted into the game. I took half an hour to plan what I would post (actually, 15 minutes. but my internet crashed and I had to restart). I wrote quite a lot, well, in comparison to others. And I can't believe some of the more famous players (famous being names I recognize like Latina and Summer(...)) are applying and I might get to play with them. Weird. Well, thanks to Emma for bringing up the game before it became too late for me to apply (which is in about two hours). So hopefully I'll add a new twist to my gaming career on tengaged, and I'll see if I get accepted. Hope for the best!
Points: 0 1 comments
First time... Oct 3, 2008
So this is my first time on tengaged. I have no idea what I'm doing, and I have no idea if how this game works. If anyone happens to read this, can you help me...please.
Points: 0 3 comments