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S11 Madagascar - Fans vs. Failures [Confessionals]

Topic » S11 Madagascar - Fans vs...

1689 days 5 hours ago
AJ (zorbo678) Confessional EP:9

CONFESSIONAL: Oh happy day!!!! SIXCESS has the numbers and we can start taking these bitches down. I surprised that LQ and Sagar didn’t vote, but it’s fine because Tris went home anyway. My target this round? Felipe
1689 days 5 hours ago
AJ (zorbo678) Confessional EP:9

I’m not that worried right now. I don’t think my name has come up, considering both sides think I’m with them. I’m hoping I can make both sides yeet Kevin out of the game, and if that happens, we’ll be back to a tie game between Fans and Failures. LeQuisha and I are playing a dangerous game, I just hope it works out for us.
1689 days 5 hours ago
Kenneth (konohavillage1) Confessional EP:9

confessional for post tris vote
Sep 27, 2019 00:44:46
confessional for post tris vote

Whew two of my allies self voted. What a team what a team.

So on the bright side, the minority vote slipped down by one and not two this round. If it dropped down by 2 then it would be really obvious that there was a flipper in the game and Kevin exposing me could have some truth to it. You'll never know because of my video that still wont upload but I had no relationship with Tris and was very glad to see him go. However, I also was happy with Kevin possibly leaving, and Mike and I even talked about seeing if Julian would idol Tris because theyre close. Kevin is like so grating to talk to and he wants you to expose your entire game and in return he might give you a crumb. He straight up was like "name one person on the failures to leave" and im like sir.... who are you? Be gone.

There's part of me thats like damn I should be playing to win this shit. Im even thinking about the potential of Kevin being a goat like I actually think Im gonna work to go to the end. Oh well, guess I am a bit competitive after all.

Julian is kind of upset about feeling like he has to sit and wait to be picked off, and I get it. It doesn't look great from his side but I really dont want him to wait his turn. So I think my concession to let Julian know its not the end is that A) I'm still telling him that he seems to be fine and B) I think I want Kevin to leave now. The votes SHOULD still be there regardless of him being here or not and I think it'll boost morale to Julian and keep him feeling like I'm on his side so when I finally can bridge the gap he'll take that leap of faith on me. Plus if Kevin leaves then I become the Supreme K of the group.

On the other hand, we have Livingston in danger thanks to Ashanti. I have been talking to him but I wouldn't mind if he left. It's just a matter of how to spin it so no matter who stays I can still keep that line of communication open I guess.

I feel like I'm the only one actively playing right now ~_~ But I'm also kind of partially stifling gameplay cause it directly interferes with who I want to stick around.

Felipe (FelipeS)
Kevin (Kevin0621)

Sorry boys. We were born fans but we gotta part ways.

So kind of gameplan for the rest. Knock those two out. Maybe vote out one of Julian/Mike. Let Sagar take himself out because Sagar cant play a game without being a target (Racisme!!!!!!11) At top 7 make a group with AJ, Lexie, and whichever of Mike/Julian is left? Or just stay in with LQ and the minority vote. Get Livingston and AJ out. Take out whoever is left from Mike/Julian/LQ. If it's a final 3 then my work is done. If not, I just have to beat AJ and take Lexie and BOMB the jury segment.
1689 days 5 hours ago
Kenneth (konohavillage1) Confessional EP:9

I kind of hate that I'm no longer the big idol finder guy anymore. I'm shocked I even found one to give to Julian, but at least its probably kept him from looking for the merge one. Mike may have that though which sucks. I've been very open with them both so I'll just probably continue that and get them to use it up when they actually become targets. For that reason I might have to tweak my plan and make sure I have one player that more than likely wont search for an idol in the F5 so we have someone to vote for.

I think I'm gonna just jot down notes from my 28 minute video and then type out a shorthand version of it so I can finally put all that missing info into your hands.
1689 days 1 hour ago
Lexie (deathlyavocado) Confessional EP:9

Hi so a lot happened yesterday which is exciting!! The first big thing that happened was SAGAR AND LQ SELF VOTING which ended up being fine bc we still got tris out but I was really surprised and it stressed me out during tribal lmao. After that vote, I think the alliance of 6 between the original 4, AJ, and LQ are in a really strong position. We as an alliance have majority which is exciting!! I’m surprised not much has happened with the other side trying anything tbh. It’s a little fishy and has me a bit worried, but I hope that our alliance sticks to it.

For the immunity challenge it was really really close between sagar and I which was a bit frustrating, because I’d love to win an individual immunity. I think I have a good shot to do so eventually, so hopefully I can pull that through.

As for talking people, I talked a bit more to Julian and we had a nice conversation. I’ve also gotten close to Livingston and we seem to be getting along well. I keep saying I HOPE that I can get closer and it seems like I am with a few people, but I feel like I still need to reach out more.

As I’m writing this I’m talking to dylan about votes and it’s making me anxious lmao. Every vote that goes by I worry a bit more about my alliance flipping on me and taking me out because I have an idol. If they really try to set something up against me I need to try to do something first. Compared to the seasons he’s played, this season is a little bit boring so maybe me making a move WOULD Abe smart. Should I try flipping and take sagar out  the first chance I get? Who would I align with? It’s all scary. Time will tell, I suppose.
1688 days 22 hours ago
Ashanti (KingGeek) Confessional EP:9

god, hopefully this is like the last time i talk about kevin because he is so DRAINING and ANNOYING. i can't deal, i truly can't take it anymore. no one this inoffensive and boring has had me this bothered it's silly.

despite lq and sagar being busy/preoccupied and unable to vote, things went according to plan! which really is just a testament as to how much power fwb really has. we have so many people in our network, and yet we haven't even been on anyone's radar? every other opposing vote has been a non-factor whereas we're the ones that really have it going. granted, the four of us are all strong players and have an idol on our side, but it just seems like damn. couple more tribals and this game is really ours. now i hate to steamroll and make it boring, so that's why we're not!

initially, there was talks of finally going for julian. but that soon transitioned into wanting to target livingston instead. we still fear julian's idol, and we're aware that with slimmer numbers it'll be easier to split and avoid a potential reckoning. kevin came up to and talked about using reverse psychologically (such weird wording) in order to get julian to think he's not actually getting votes and not play his idol but ??? julian was way smarter than that, i'm sure if he hears he's getting votes, he knows he's getting votes. he also suggested trusting in the >fans to not tell anyone and just vote out julian which is even stupider and worse. all around kevin just sucks and his inept ability to humanize himself and hold an actual conversation, so he just comes off as a bug. his ideas were dismissed and discarded, but he believes the vote is livingston after i whispered a few things about that in his ear and proceeded to buzz around like he does to get the ball rolling.

i must say though, as irritating as he is, he does trust in me a lot. which isn't a bad thing, he's just frustrating to talk to and i wish nothing more but for him to be gone next. he tells me things, like how felipe wanted lq out, that i can use to my advantage in the future and lookout for my girls. in that sense he's an asset, but in every other he's a liability and a thorn in my side.

meanwhile, with sixcess this morning, lexie came up - initially to fwb, then to the group of six - about splitting the vote between us w/ kevin/felipe on mike and julian to both avoid a potential idol play outcome gone wrong on our end. ultimately, zorbo chirped up and expressed how complicated it all is and suggested that we just wait until final 9 to do something alike. he's not wrong but i'm also hoping to have him here much longer either. lq isn't too keen on him either and thinks he's too networked amongst the tribe, which is true. he's literally in a chat with julian/livingston/mike(?) + maybe more which he feeds us information from. as appreciative as we are, that serves as a problem as well! why would we keep a mole like that around for so long. hopefully with lq's help we can cut his wire pretty soon, too.

nonetheless, it seems to be kevin's night tonight. sixcess is all in agreement, as well as mike (who kevin has been PINING after to get out), and maybe more. it doesn't do much of a disservice. he's just another felipe, but less forgettable and more annoying.
1688 days 22 hours ago
Livingston (noobsmoke23) Confessional EP:9
1688 days 22 hours ago
AJ (zorbo678) Confessional EP:9

CONFESSIONAL: Lexie needs to stay in her lane right now. I love her to death, and she’s super smart. But if we try to flush the idol now, LeQuisha and I won’t be able to flip later. It’s bad for my game, so I just need to convince Lexie that it’s bad for hers too
1687 days 23 hours ago
1687 days 23 hours ago
AJ (zorbo678) Confessional EP:10

CONFESSIONAL: If you’re wondering why I’m not trying in this challenge, it’s because I don’t think I’m at risk tonight. Quite frankly, I feel like I’m in the best position in the game still. Currently, it looks like either Lexie or Ashanti will win immunity. That’s fine with me. I’m gonna see who SIXCESS wants to vote out, try to get it to be Mike or Livingston, and try to convince Julian to play his idol on them and take out either Felipe or Sagar. Then, Failures will have majority, meaning we take out one more member of the Fans at 9. LeQuisha and I flip back at 8, and we pick the two sides apart until we are the last ones standing.
1687 days 22 hours ago
Kenneth (konohavillage1) Confessional EP:10

So I'm officially flying off the handle. Around like 5 this morning Sagar says he wants to vote Livingston. So naturally when I wake up, I immediately tell him how we NEED to get these votes flipped and all that. Livingston for some reason says lets vote Sagar out instead so I remind him that Sagar is immune.... chile. Anyways I tell him I'm not doing him and it seems like a fan thing anyways so we just have to tear that shit apart.

Later on, suddenly Lexie comes up with some scheme about splitting the votes on Julian and Mike. RED FLAG RED FLAG FLAG ON THE MF PLAY. I absolutely am not trying to see either of them leave today. Like holy fuck how did all three targets end up like this? However, it does give me an idea. I immediately run to Mike's PMs and start planning a blindside. Him, Me, Julian, Livingston, in a chat. All we would need is one more and we'd be able to turn Lexie's idea of a Julian 6- Mike 3- Kevin 2 vote into a Kevin 5- Julian 3- Mike 3 vote. And I have it set up perfectly so I can hide behind AJ's vote when they fall. So with all this information I go to Mike and spill soooooo much beans. Like what am I thinking... cause then all of the sudden there's a blowback on this plan and it changes to Kevin. So no blindside for me :[ But I guess this is easier. Now I have at least a solidified trust with Mike, Livingston, and Julian along with my already made group of Sagar, AJ, Lexie (and LQ??? idk what shes doing). So like final 9, Im gonna be in trouble. For now? I think everythings going to plan and Kevin is on his way out. Bye man, you would've been a good goat but you also just weren't worth the messages lol.
1687 days 22 hours ago
Kenneth (konohavillage1) Confessional EP:10

Well, Kevin is out! I can't believe people are really allowing me to think I'm in the drivers seat for this game. Now that I know I'm kind of ruling the roost Im excited for this round. On one side, I've told Mike/Julian/Livingston that I'm not gonna stick my neck out for Sagar. And to a point that's true. I wouldnt campaign to try and save him, it's his fault if everyone in the world is after him LOL. But c'mon now, why would I just let Sagar leave when I dont think he would ever vote me? So this round is all about finding an immunity idol so Sagar isn't in danger. Best case scenario, I cause Julian and Sagar to use an idol and (hopefully) that only leaves the rehidden merge idol. I think that once I burn the idols out the game, I can get all the people I want in the end.

So thinking about it, Felipe probably voted with Kevin last round. I'm starting to think he's clueless lol. So I'm like debating dragging him along because easy boot later, but then I think that drags down the quality of your season. SO hes still probably my target today.

Also I FOUND THE FUCKING IDOL OFFICIALLY!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS. So yes I think my spot in the middle will continue.
1687 days 22 hours ago
Kenneth (konohavillage1) Confessional EP:10

Also I can’t tell anyone I have this just to ensure it’s not wasted
1687 days 22 hours ago
Lexie (deathlyavocado) Confessional EP:10

Hi so i'm really drunk but i want to try and send a confessional a day so here we go.

I'm on call with Mike and Livingston and Ken and Ashanti and they're talking about past games and Dylan's like talking with Mike which is funny because mike hosted for when dylan played. they're like talking about what coud've happened if votes changed which is super nerdy.

About the immunity challenge, it kinda sucks. I don't think I'm gonna win but I'm really gonna try. I just wanna WIN ONE bro.

About the vote, it's a bit sad Kevin left?? I feel a little bad about it but I knew it was for the best - he was doing a lot and could've been a threat later on.

Its kinda crazy that the game is gonna be ending next week. How does it go by so fast? Idk. Its stressful to think that all of these people are gonna get voted out within the next week, maybe including me. AAAA
1687 days 22 hours ago
Kenneth (konohavillage1) Confessional EP:10

So it’s been an interesting night. We had a Skype call! Bet you missed that in your games. Livingston, mike, Lexie, Ashanti, me, and special guest star Dylan! At first I was telling Lexie like hey we should do a private call so no one knows about the Dylan connection, then she tells me that she’s already blabbed about it to nearly everyone. Suddenly I feel like an idiot for telling her I found the idol here cause I should’ve kept that shit to myself and let her search for the idol. I told her from the start do NOT let people know about Dylan.

Anyways the call goes on and eventually it’s just down to Mike, Ashanti, and I. Mike basically lays out his loyalties and says to target LQ. I’m not for it but I’m not gonna shut him down after all the work I’ve been doing this game. Plus he says he doesn’t wanna vote sagar and wants to get middle players! I’m in love.

He also says that he notices Lexie is playing very similarly to how Dylan plays and here’s where it gets to my point. This is why I said don’t let people know you’re with Dylan. It colors everything you do as “following his lead,” and Dylan is an insane jury threat when he plays. So now Lexie is known as one too. Ugh. So now I’m trying to think of a way to get Felipe out and keep LQ and Lexie alive as Mike demands more of Ashanti and I in the game.

Currently there may be 3 idols in the game, or more. Lexie’s, Julian’s and mine. The only one that’s known is Julian’s apparently so if we can’t stay on plan then I definitely want Lexie to use her idol and split up some people because I want her to stay alive.

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