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The yankeeman311's blog

Posts 559 posts

#3 Survivor Season Jul 17, 2014
Alright getting down to the final 3. This next season is one I believed legitimized survivor's legacy. Pegged as possibly the best season ever from most fans, this season is:


This was the season most survivor fans were waiting for since the show started. An All Star season done right. We had the original All Stars which had 2 quitters and a Rob/Amber domination and Micronesia was half Fans which the Favorites easily outsmarted. Heroes vs. Villains was the real test of the best of the best. The season felt special with just all the names come back. Look back to the premiere when you first see all the big names come together. Boston Rob, Russell, Sandra, Parvati, Rupert, Colby, Tom, JT, Amanda, Cirie, etc all on one beach and one season. You could tell right away this would be a special season.

The pre-merge lived up to the hype. We had the Rob-Russell villains rivalry, Jerri and Coach having an early "showmance", Sandra being herself and Parvati had the target on her back. Meanwhile on the Heroes we had JT changing his game completely, Tom living up to his legacy and finding a HII, Cirie trying to dominate the game again and Amanda actually flying UTR. There were honestly a lot of big votes too. JT smartly seeing Cirie was on her way to controlling another tribe so he uses Tom and Colby to blindside her and one of my favorite votes ever, the Tyson blindside. Seriously when Russell got up, played the idol on Parvati and still stayed, my jaw dropped. I was never more shocked about a tribal council than that one. We also saw big downfalls from Tom and Boston Rob as well. There was also a clever move from Sandra to put paranoia in Russell's ear by targeting Coach. Then of course going into the merge, we see JT take one of the biggest risks in survivor history that ended up blowing up in his face courtesy of Parvati's 2 green men.

Then we see some funny moments after JT is gone. Amanda and Danielle fight over a HII clue, Rupert uses a rock to vote out Candice and Sandra pulls the HII out of her braw. We also saw a character rivalry with Russell and Rupert. The final 3 also happened to be epic in Russell, Parvati and Sandra. Parvati and Sandra may have been the best top 2 ever or are at least up there. It was really amazing to see Sandra be so openly against Russell and still win as a minority member of the villains plus the duo of Russell and Parvati. They were very interesting to watch as I believe both had a hand in getting the other as far as they did like Parvati said in the FTC.

I can't really think of any negatives that stand out about this season besides maybe a more exciting post-merge but tbh, the Candice and Danielle vote-offs were pretty fun to watch too and the Jerri vote basically meant the game. Overall I thought this season had the best cast ever and may have been the most entertaining television as well which is what a season like this is supposed to do.

Stay tuned for #2! No more hints so just guess! Which will come out on top?

28. Nicaragua
27. Redemption Island
26. South Pacific
25. One World
24. Thailand
23. Caramoan
22. All Stars
21. China
20. Cook Islands
19. Blood vs. Water
18. Palau
17. Gabon
16. Borneo
15. Australian Outback
14. Africa
13. Fiji
12. Tocantins
11. Samoa
10. Guatemala
9. Philippines
8. Exile Island
7. Vanuatu
6. Marquesas
5. Cagayan
4. Micronesia
3. Heroes vs. Villains

Pearl Islands


Let me know if you want to be tagged!

Points: 51 8 comments
BB16 Week 3 Cast Rankings Jul 17, 2014
These are rankings based on how well I think everybody is playing the game and not by who I like. Keep in mind I don't watch the feeds so I'm basing this off of everything I've seen in the episodes. Here are my rankings:

13. Victoria- she's the Morgan of the season so far for me. Incredibly hot but still waiting to see her game skills.

12. Jocasta- she does have a few friends that can be useful but I have yet to see any winning potential out of her so far.

11. Caleb- took a big fall this week. Unless he changes his views on Amber, he's going to continue to let his heart dictate his game which will be his downfall.

10. Zach- I'm still a little worried about his mouth costing him but he seems to have recovered from the Devin debacle.

9. Brittany- still think she's overrated as a player and like Zach, her mouth could potentially be her downfall.

8. Amber- she's caught in the middle of a love triangle right now. This could be good or bad for her depending on how well she can control both sides of it but until I see otherwise, this looks like it could go south for her.

7. Donny- he knows how to play the social game and has proven he can win competitions but he needs to get some solid allies behind him. I feel like if he joins the Weirdo Alliance, they can potentially be strong enough to overthrow the Bomb Squad.

6. Cody- took a bit of a drop this week because he's legitimately in the Love Triangle now which I think will hurt him in the long run if he allows it to. If he can keep the peace with Caleb, I think he'll be in a solid position for a while.

5. Frankie- hasn't done anything extraordinary but has kept himself UTR. He has skills as a social/strategic player, just has to stand out a little before the end.

4. Hayden- seems to be the person people like to talk to and will be kept around to avoid a Bomb Squad target. He definitely has the ability to be a dark horse for a winner if he turns on his strategic brain more.

3. Nicole- in the center of the 2nd biggest alliance in the house and isn't afraid to make bold moves based on what happened with Donny. Plus nobody seems to see her as a threat.

2. Christine- seems to have the most contacts in the house and her name hasn't been mentioned at all which is a good sign.

1. Derrick- definitely playing the best strategic game so far. I believe he's smart enough to stay UTR with his game but may possibly become a big threat later.

Houseguest Eviction Words:

Devin- simply played way too hard and was incredibly unstable. If he could've kept his social game under control and paranoia intact, he had potential to be a great player.

Points: 26 4 comments
#4 Survivor Season Jul 11, 2014
This next season had one of the most famous alliances in survivor history. This season is:


One of the most popular seasons ever lands at #4 on my list. I questioned a lot of the choices for people that came back but I gotta say, they all proved me wrong. We had the original cool kids in Ozzy, Amanda, Parvati and James that almost blew up but Cirie smartly made them work to her advantage. After Fairplay left, one of the most shocking votes happened with Yau being targeted. It was a genious move on Cirie's part because it got out an UTR target out of the game. We then had 2 more crazy votes on the Fans side thanks to Tracy getting into Joel's head and stroking his ego to save her allies by voting out Mary and Mikey. We then see Joel ironically get voted out before Chet despite calling him a weakling. Then one of the biggest votes happens when we see Erik stay over Ami. Then we see a lot of funny blindsides in a row, most of them courtesy of the BWB. First we see Jason have a fake idol that he gives to Eliza that she gets voted out with, then Ozzy and Jason get voted out with idols in their pocket, then Amanda finds a HII at the last minute to blindside Alexis and of course the most famous of all, the BWB tricks Erik into giving up immunity to Natalie and gets voted out. Seriously this season had by far the most entertaining downfalls of players.

The 2 negatives to this season are the fact that we saw at least 5 players either "quit" or get medically evacuated. It just felt like someone wasn't leaving via tribal council every other episode. Also the more controversial negative is what happened in the final 3. Everybody played like it was a final 3 and most people thought it was, then it turned into a final 2. It completely screwed what might've been the greatest game played in survivor history by Cirie had she won.

Despite the negatives this season had a lot of outstanding positives to make up for the negatives and still goes down in survivor history.

Stay tuned for #3! Hint- the season that changed survivor's legacy forever

28. Nicaragua
27. Redemption Island
26. South Pacific
25. One World
24. Thailand
23. Caramoan
22. All Stars
21. China
20. Cook Islands
19. Blood vs. Water
18. Palau
17. Gabon
16. Borneo
15. Australian Outback
14. Africa
13. Fiji
12. Tocantins
11. Samoa
10. Guatemala
9. Philippines
8. Exile Island
7. Vanuatu
6. Marquesas
5. Cagayan
4. Micronesia

Pearl Islands
Heroes vs. Villains


Let me know if you want to be tagged!

Points: 48 14 comments
BB16 Week 2 Cast Rankings Jul 11, 2014
These are my rankings based on how well everybody left is playing the game. Not going on likability at all. I don't watch the feeds so please no spoilers from them. Here they are:

14. Victoria- you know your game is bad when Julie is calling you a floater

13. Jocasta- her alliance with Jesus is the strongest in the house, but Jesus isn't a player

12. Devin- the only reason he's not last is because he has the ability to win competitions and has charisma. But man he might be the most unstable player that's ever been in the house. I thought he had the right idea targeting Brittany but everything went south when he backed off of that.

11. Zach- dude has to learn to shut his mouth. It almost cost him the game twice and damaged his alliance with Frankie. I do think he has potential to do well if he keeps himself under control though.

10. Brittany- I think her game is a little overrated. People on here love her and think she's playing great but she's been on the block twice because like Zach, she can't keep her mouth shut. Plus she doesn't exactly have strong allies right now.

9. Amber- I think she's seen as a valuable ally but I'm not seeing the ability for her to branch out from her allies and win the game over them.

8. Donny- he's extremely likable and has Team America on his side but I feel like he will never get taken to the end.

7. Frankie- I think his stock fell a little from Zach's rant but not as much as he said it did. He can get out of the situation imo.

6. Caleb- he isn't pissing anybody off but I think him being a physical threat will come back to haunt him later.

5. Hayden- I think he'll be seen as a valuable ally to a lot of people that could sneak UTR to go far in this game. My question is does he have the strategic ability to take advantage of his position.

4. Nicole- she won HOH and is part of a secret alliance that actually hasn't been discovered yet. If she can use this HOH to have her alliance grow and get stronger, she can be golden.

3. Cody- I think he's playing a great guy's game. He can win competitions, seems smart and very aware of the game and can sneak UTR.

2. Christine- she seems to be the person with the most connections without anybody realizing it. I think her fate will depend on how loyal the other Bomb Squad members are to each other.

1. Derrick- no doubt he's playing the best game in the house to me. He's getting a lot of shit done and like Cody is UTR. Definitely using his undercover cop skills to his advantage.

Evicted Houseguest Words:

Paola- I think it was a mistake to vote her out but I get why it was done. She probably wouldn't have done much better than the season's pawn anyway.

Let me know if you want to be tagged! #BB16
Points: 67 5 comments
#5 Survivor Season Jul 8, 2014
I know it's been 4 days since my last post so I appreciate the patience from you guys. For those that are hanging in here, don't think it doesn't go unappreciated. Onto the next season. This one had idols play a big part. This season is:


The latest survivor season that has been regarded as one of the best ever lands at #5 on my list. Now I know this may be recency bias for this season being so high but even the doubters gotta admit this was pretty damn good. The biggest positive from this season was the cast. I can't say enough good things. Jeff had an accurate comment in the reunion when he said this cast came to play more than any other. I would argue this was the best new cast in survivor history. It started out great with also one of the best, if not the best season premiere in survivor history. The 2 Brain tribal councils were unbelievable. David tries to be the big player early by targeting Garrett but massively fails doing that when he could've just tried not to stir the pot and vote out J'Tia. Then in part 2 of the premiere we see J'Tia in danger when she was seen as bossy and weak. Garrett fucks up by being upfront with her and Tasha so J'Tia dumps the rice and this results in GARRETT getting voted out since Kass and Tasha didn't trust him. Bryce has his dot dot dot comment and being arrogantly "beautiful", J'Tia looks even weaker getting voted out, Cliff gets blindsided by Trish and Tony then Lindsey quits right after that. To wrap up pre-merge, Alexis gets voted out because Spencer smartly realizes she'll be a bigger threat in the post-merge than Jeremiah.

The merge episode was chaotic as well. We see Sarah as the flip vote, Kass gets pissed at how entitled Sarah gets at that, Tony fails to flip Sarah but Trish sees Kass as the true possible flipper. This sets up for an unbelievable tribal council. Tony and LJ both play their idols on each other thinking one of them will definitely be the target. The target ends up being Jefra with her being in tears when she thinks she's going home. But everybody is shocked when the table turns as Sarah in one of the most karma-filled votes in survivor history to send her packing. We think there will be a simple pagonging once Kass doesn't flip back to save Morgan. Then Tony decides to blindside LJ. After that he finds the special idol and then a regular idol that production tried to throw to Spencer in the auction but Tony had none of that. Spencer manages to buy more time by using Jefra's words against her to turn Tony on her. Once Tasha leaves, we see a surprising vote that we thought would cost Tony the game with Trish going. Then one of my favorite family visits takes place in the final 4. Spencer's sister was very memorable. I also loved the timing of this because this is a big reward for making it that far and a nice momentum swing. Then in the final 3, we see one of the dumbest moves in survivor history take place with Woo picking Tony over Kass for final 2. Woo could've won the season and despite having 2 idols, Tony could've fallen in 3rd place. But instead, we see 2 memorable jury speeches from Trish and Spencer and Tony goes onto win 8-1.

I also loved Tony's edit from this season. To me he had the best winner's edit in the history of the show. It completely fooled me because I thought he was set up to have a big downfall all season. The edit really showed a lot of Tony's negative gameplay, more than past winners. He was also one of the more paranoid players too and this was built in his character but yet he still won.

The one negative thing about this season was the circumstances of the special idol. I didn't like that Tony was the only one that knew what the special idol could do and when it could be used until. It gave him a great advantage in the 4 tribal councils he had it and in the final 4 when he used these advantages to basically give himself immunity to the final 3. This idol is something that failed at Cook Islands and I question whether it should've been brought back here.

Stay tuned for #4! Hint- this season had one of the most famous alliances in survivor history

28. Nicaragua
27. Redemption Island
26. South Pacific
25. One World
24. Thailand
23. Caramoan
22. All Stars
21. China
20. Cook Islands
19. Blood vs. Water
18. Palau
17. Gabon
16. Borneo
15. Australian Outback
14. Africa
13. Fiji
12. Tocantins
11. Samoa
10. Guatemala
9. Philippines
8. Exile Island
7. Vanuatu
6. Marquesas
5. Cagayan

Pearl Islands
Heroes vs. Villains


Let me know if you want to be tagged!

Points: 43 15 comments
#6 Survivor Season Jul 4, 2014
Happy 4th of July everybody! Hope you're all enjoying. While I have some free time I figure it's a good time to reveal the next season. This location has a reputation and not in a good way. This season is:


For an early season, it had a lot more things we look for in a modern season. We had 2 arrogant players in Rob and John, the crazy underdog Kathy, queen Sarah, the noble Hunter and clueless Gabriel for examples. Maraamu was great to watch as they were an absolute disaster of a tribe with really the wrong people running it in Sean and an immature Rob. Vecepia jumped on their side and hid UTR with them as shields. With them on the verge of going down in flames, the tribe swap made things a little more interesting. It allowed the Rotu 4 to form and foolishly vote out Gabriel. This really hit the new Maraamu hard and I think it made them closer as a group. We saw them have to vote out Gina and cry together as a group over it. Then we saw a potential swing start to form with the clash of Rob and John. Rob was smart enough to realize John was never going to let him and his group get to final 4 despite having an alliance. Rob decided to take advantage of his time alone with Kathy and plant the seed in her head that the Rotu 4 weren't going to take her, Paschal and Neleh to the end. Unfortunately Kathy didn't trust Rob as a person but he set the stage for the rest of the season.

What we saw next was one of the best displays of karma being a bitch and one of the biggest downfalls in survivor history. Sean convinces Kathy the Rotu 4 really are together and she sees it in their behavior. Paschal and Neleh are nice and loyal people that are blind to the fact they're 5 and 6. We then see the rope chop challenge that basically reveals the pecking order. With Sean, Vecepia and Kathy out, Sean says this is the order. The Rotu 4 could've let Paschal and Neleh win the challenge to keep their trust but instead they violently and arrogantly chop their ropes off like they have the game already won. Those 2 get pissed about the challenge and FINALLY see the truth. We then see John Carroll get blindsided and his alliance pagonged. We then see Kathy go against V and Sean with Sean getting voted out. In the final 4, V fucks up everything by winning immunity and forcing a tie with Kathy because both knew it was the only way either one was getting to the end. Paschal then ends up getting voted out in the famous purple rock. This was a defining moment in survivor because it basically drew a fear for future players to flip because they were afraid of ending up like Paschal which is why he was the perfect person to have that fate. Then of course we see V go cold and work against Kathy as soon as she drops from FIC and lets Neleh win to make her pull the trigger on Kathy. She basically pulls a move similar to Hatch with the same great results with once again the big hero of the season going down in 3rd place.

There really aren't a lot of negatives to this season. I can't think of anything that bad to really say about this season. We just seem to be entering that elite stage. I just think there were more jaw dropping moves with better casts in the top 5 seasons. Nothing Marquesas really did wrong. In the end this was one of the better seasons that's really important in survivor history for having the first big power shift after the merge and purple rock.

Stay tuned for the top 5! Hint for #5- a season where idols played a part

28. Nicaragua
27. Redemption Island
26. South Pacific
25. One World
24. Thailand
23. Caramoan
22. All Stars
21. China
20. Cook Islands
19. Blood vs. Water
18. Palau
17. Gabon
16. Borneo
15. Australian Outback
14. Africa
13. Fiji
12. Tocantins
11. Samoa
10. Guatemala
9. Philippines
8. Exile Island
7. Vanuatu
6. Marquesas

Pearl Islands
Heroes vs. Villains


Let me know if you want to be tagged!

Points: 66 9 comments