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Truth Sauce; what flavor would YOU like?

Posts 59 posts

Truth Sauce V.12; King Mac debunked Mar 11, 2009
So, let me just say, this is totally a drive by blog. I loose more and more interest in this site as time seems to go by; it doesn’t excite me anymore. I’ll play a few more games, if lucky. But other than that, I had caught a Irvin Icon blog. King Mac has basically struck once again, I mean, it’s so hard to believe he isn’t ‘’macking’’ on another 14 to 16 year old, because obviously he wasn’t banned for it before… /Sarcasm.

Like everyone though, King Mac had his chance to defend himself. Despite the obvious proof that has been put forward proving his guilt, he continues to try to escape the shit he’s gotten himself into, despite being knee deep in it. A week or so, King Mac made his return. And he made this video…
Wait! I forgot, he pulled it down upon earning our forgiveness. /Rolls eyes. Basically, this video consist of him ‘’pretending’’ to be sorry for what he’s done, and at the end of it ‘’laughing at us’’ before saying ‘’King Mac is back, bitches!’’ in one of the most gayest voices imaginable. Nonetheless, he didn’t forget to remind the misfits that he’s after them /shudder.
And then he just made a blog, in which I couldn’t find, but I think it’s on his KingMac2 account; unless he deleted this too. Basically, King Mac was a ‘’changed’’ man; which gullible tengaged through out there ‘’morals’’ and simply welcomed him back with open arms, despite doing exactly what he did for the first part of his video (horrible acting at all) and people actually fell for it? It wasn’t even 24 hours later, it was pretty stomach turning.
So for this first part, I could say that King Mac is a fake ass motherfucker, who simply took a risk, and had it pay off, because of the select few idiots who believed his shit. Him removing the video? Simply tells me that he had everyone fooled, and wanted us to forget about it ASAP. If this video is still up on the internet, then by all means post it; either way, it backs up what I’m saying here. King Mac isn’t changed; you fucking kidding me?
And now, comments from King Mac himself, which proves he’s a pedo ONCE again. P.S- His butt buddy, Kyle was also there at his defense. When are they going to stop playing it up, and admit Kyle is King Mac’s 15 year old brain washed homo erotic boyfriend? There’s nothing wrong with being gay, but it makes you look stupid when you lie.
LOL untill i see a screen shot of actual skype convo, instead of this copied bologna irvin has, then i dont believe none of this crap. i espaccily wont beilve a person who said "i would do anything in my power to get mac banned from this site" LOL irvin reality check, even if those messages are real, you cant get someone banned for shit that did not even take place on this site.
Hmmm. Okay, let’s have fun with this. If I’m innocent of something, why would I need to screen shot to believe it wasn’t what I said? Shouldn’t you know that on your own? If King Mac had said ‘’show them all the screen shots if this is real’’ than I would understand. But for King Mac to say ‘’show the screen shots, or I don’t believe any of this’’ isn’t a first party statement.
Secondly, notice how King Mac says ‘’even if those messages are real, I can’t be banned from the site’’ That doesn’t scream GUILT to you? King Mac knows he guilty, and he’s already planning ‘’it didn’t happen on tengaged property, so it don’t matter!’’ card. If I’m innocent of something, I’m fucking innocent. There is no ‘’iffs’’ ‘’ands’’ or ‘’buts’’ about it. Period.
If you stole something, your not going to say ‘’Well, even if I did, I would make sure it wasn’t still in my pocket’’ you are going to say ‘’I didn’t steal that’’ before providing an alibi of some sort.
And Kyle, if this is what King Mac said, you might what to pull that foot out of your mouth…
LOL Irvin deleted mac's comments, well i post it again, if you aint 21 the age of consent is 16 which willy is so????? nothing pedo about anything.
Why am I even going to justify this with a thought out conclusion? If this isn’t backtracking, I don’t know what is. There is plenty more comments, but I won’t go through them all, because trying to make sense of what these two moronic idiots are trying to type, is like a game of scrabble with missing pieces. It’s a headache, and not every fun.
Randomize, stop UN-banning pedophiles. These two came up with the same damn excuses last time, don’t you remember? The entire ‘’he started the conversation first!’’ bullshit, trying to escape any liability for his actions. Ban this little shit for good, or your going to lose some very positive members of your community. I’m already on the outs, because this game is a war zone, with prebucent kids, and immature adults, which is the worst combination a community could have. And I’m tired of trying to be the reason of fucking sense every minute.
Enough is enough, if pedophilia is something to laugh or smile about, your are very wrong. There isn’t anything King Mac has done to justify his return on this site. But keep it up, because obviously your making this site a nice little cushion place for people who walk over your rules, like no tomorrow.
I’m done here, do what you please.
Points: 64 11 comments
Truth Sauce V.11; Okay, I got some ish to confess... Mar 8, 2009
...I almost betted 40 T$ on Dodge.
Points: 192 4 comments
…Just to create account, and hold rights to his name, so morons like Tommy G can’t commit identity theft. Imitators need not to apply.
Points: 78 5 comments
Truth Sauce V.10; Tell me I'm wrong. Mar 7, 2009
I thought I'd just take a little walk down memory lane. In my V.8 truth sauce addition, I spoke out against the Brazilian site and was negged rightfully so. I mean, the truth hurts. Let's just take a look at my words, yes?
What I want to know is why in the HELL would there be any need for an Brazilian big brother site? What different purpose does it serve from tengaged? Let me ask this next point. We HAD casting games in several different languages INCLUDING Portuguese, do you know where that went? NOWHERE! The games didn’t start for months at a time; because there weren’t 10 people willing to join the damn thing! So WHAT makes ANYONE believe this site is going to float?
It’s not.
If anything this hurts tengaged. You’ll get a bunch of non Portuguese speakers, running over to the other site, to try to DOMINATE over there. To be then next HOF’er the next Daniel, and rockgodess. This undercuts the tengaged population to a certain sum.
I told you so. How many blogs have you all seen annoucing their move to Tengaged Brazil for one reason or another? Now, I know the mifits are there speaking english, but that's expected of them. Everyone else? Imitation.
P.S- For the 100 people vowing to make there way to the site to learn the english, 90% of you should cut the bullcrap. How many langauge lessons have you taken to learn portugeese? How many computer programs, or lessons have you done? None. How many of you decided to suddenly learn the langauge the minute the site went up?
Yup. That sums it all up pretty well. Throwing a bunch of words into a translator isn't going to help you learn the langauge in almost all cases. Nice try though.
Points: 61 20 comments
Truth Sauce V.9; ''Hey...douchebag!'' Mar 4, 2009
...You haven't been hacked if you've given your password away, douche bag.
Should you be hacked, don't be so CAP-CASE senstive about it. It really pisses me off, douche bag.
Dove soap has sponsered The King Mac radio show.
Kyle should be quarantined on the darkest place of this earth; for being a douche bag.
This blog has no point really, I'm running low on the sauce--so I had to run the receipe dry with laundry detergent, which I'm pretty sure King Mac mom was drinking daily. Explains his existance, douchebag.
P.S- King Mac can speak portugeese. Hint hint.
Lastly, I hope Yankee prosecutes Irvin Icon to the full extent of the law. I hope he sues him for every last T dollar, Irvin had costed him. I am now taking donations of soap and clothes...
BubblyAngel will work for food.
Points: 23 6 comments
Truth Sauce V.8; Randomizes bad business venture Mar 3, 2009
So, I saw randomizes new blog with his Brazilian n prototype, and with this idea floating in my head, I don’t know why I would wait any longer to bring it up. Now don’t get me wrong, Randomized has built a great site in tengaged. Randomize IS a hardworker. And his success with tengaged thus far should be commended. However; this doesn’t mean he can make a bad mistake. We all make mistakes. And so, even while I respect Randomize, I HAVE to criticize his business decision. My reasons why.
This site right now; is not in the position of having half the attention. Randomized is a busy guy, and runs this huge site on his own. With nobody even there to moderate; he’s in enough demand. Randomized said it himself that the reason why updates have been slow here, is because he’s working on the Brazilian big brother site. Well, that would be half as dandy, if the algoriums are whacked to shit. I don’t know what he’s done with them, but I haven’t even been given the OPTION of playing a rookies game, because I do not get the new model. What is the new model? And why does nobody know about it? From what I see it’s BROKEN and it’s needs to be fixed.
We currently have a store; with nothing in it. Why can’t we buy new clothes yet? This has been in place for months and months now. The stars game is flawed. However, that’s debatable. Point being, there’s a few big elements to this site that needs to be fixed and or addressed.
That isn’t even the big part of the argument though. No.
What I want to know is why in the HELL would there be any need for an Brazilian big brother site? What different purpose does it serve from tengaged? Let me ask this next point. We HAD casting games in several different languages INCLUDING Portuguese, do you know where that went? NOWHERE! The games didn’t start for months at a time; because there weren’t 10 people willing to join the damn thing! So WHAT makes ANYONE believe this site is going to float?
It’s not.
If anything this hurts tengaged. You’ll get a bunch of non Portuguese speakers, running over to the other site, to try to DOMINATE over there. To be then next HOF’er the next Daniel, and rockgodess. This undercuts the tengaged population to a certain sum.
Virtually, an entire website is being built of something that failed to work in the past, and even if it did work, we could easily run it here on tengaged. It’s been DONE before. So not only is this taking time, members, it’s all being spent on a lost cause. I don’t know why this business venture was carried out, I don’t get it.

Tengaged should’ve been the melting pot for all people; and if we couldn’t break the language barrier then so be it. An entire website built of the foundation of a flawed philosophy, already proven to fail miserably, is going to hurt the gaming experience of EVERYONE on this site.

I’m done.
Points: 58 8 comments