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Truth Sauce; what flavor would YOU like?

Posts 59 posts

Bound for failure? Dec 14, 2008
So, upon my return I'm greated with this gem. After hoping to play my first stars game; I seen blog after blog talking about allowing rookies to play stars. I was on the fense, but in short I decided not to join and decided just wait until next week. I mean it won't hurt and I avoid pissing people off for no good reason. But now, looking at things the idea obviously didn't work. I can now say; I knew it. The idea despite the good thought behind it, simply could not work. There is too many people on this site, there is too many things that go into why people join games this week, next week, or next month. Stars also wasn't meant to cater to the ''newbies'' on the site, which was another major factor on having this entire thing fail.

And now, as I expected blog upon blog is being posted about it's turn out of non ''newbies''. Honestly, it's been said before and it really needs to stop. The idea itself was selfish. In a day, a mere day, someone came up with this idea to allow newbies into this game, and expected EVERYONE to run with it. They made their own terms on what made a ''newbie'' and they threatened those who chose not to go along with what they were doing, and used intemidation factors to force their idea upon the public. And I don't think that's right.

You all had a good idea, you really did. It wasn't carried out properly though; and was bound for failure. The tactics used to ensure your idea's went through, and was forced on EVERYONE was just as selfish as the people who decided to join stars 5 against your cause. As much as you may hate me for saying it, you should really give yourself a look in the mirror before ranting about the selfishness of other people.

I expect backlash for this blog. And I really hope I get some, as it will only enforce my whole point about this entire blog. But that's fine, I'm just being real about it. Those who know me, know that's how I work.
Points: 34 5 comments
What's different? Dec 13, 2008
Today, something felt different. It really did. No matter how hard I tried though; I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. So, I took a step outside. It was cold as hell, and it only took me 5 seconds and a serious case of frost bite to realize the weather is no different then it was last year. I live in Canada, winter sucks. Again, I was back at square one. One thing remained though; something still felt different. What the hell felt different? So there I stood. Looking up at the ceiling doing absolutely nothing. Why? Well...why ask why? I have trouble keeping focus, you try sitting through a math class knowing you aren’t going to use one piece of Trigonometry once you’re done school. Trust me, you’d count the dots on the ceiling if you were in my shoes too.

Again, after my long gaze I asked myself. What feels different? Something DID feel different, why would I lie? In my quest to find what was different, I stumbled helplessly over to the computer. And then I proceeded to type ‘’’’ in my internet search bar, the best justification for the internet. And what did I get?

An entire new site. I mean sure, we still hold popularity contests. And sure, we still have incoherent rants in blocks that wouldn’t make a lick of sense if common sense was French  kissing it. And sure…Bubbly angel is still here, which makes the popularity contests and incoherent rants look pale in comparison :P but look at the site? Stars is finally here, we got updates, new people, more games and the site has expanded in just a few months. Big kudos to Randomized on the work he’s done.

So, by the end of my visit to the site. It was now clear on what my life was missing. The good ol’ fun of tengage. However; there was also one other thing that was different about this day. My girlfriend walked in and asked me…

…Why aren’t you wearing any pants?
Points: 38 10 comments
Writers block Sep 23, 2008
imageWriters block. It’s a bitch. It’s why I have been out of the bloging ‘’loop’’. I don’t know, I can’t explain it. Today I had the urge to blog. Okay, cool. So I sit down and I try to come up with something…anything, I pondered the thought for a slated amount of time that just isn’t healthy, maybe borderline pathetic. Multiple accounts to win games type pathetic, alright maybe not THAT pathetic, but hear me out.

I mean, I sat down and tried to think up a topic. Usually it just comes to me, you know? I’m too lazy to find shit, everything comes to me. Even this website to begin with, that flashy little Google engine, I love it.

Hey you, come on. Back on topic! As I was saying, ideas through the flow of writing usually just comes to me. But it was as if I was at a stand-still. I mean, how the hell could I keep up with everything that was going around me? How could I produce a quality blog worth all your time? Would you like it? Hate it? Would you savior every last word, and embedded them into your brain for the rest of the day? That’s what I was after, and I don’t know if I can accomplish that anymore. Maybe the dog is just out of tricks?

I mean, just put the shot gun to the good ol’ dogs head and rid me of this pain. I can’t keep up. Grayson has just provided you with finical tips, seriously? How can I compete with a guy that one day, will reduce all your taxes? I mean, that shit should be illegal right there. And then, you got blogs that only take about 2 minutes to make! That isn’t fair, why can they make one lined blogs with such profession and execution? Blogs are supposed to draw you in, how can I compete with polls? Like ‘’Who is Tengages most popular couple’’ and ‘’who do you hate the most’’? If I can’t compete with that I will never make the most discussed column!

I just don’t know where I belong anymore. I can’t keep up with the smartest of people, and I can’t dumb myself down for the rest of them. So, I find myself in them middle. Smack dab in between the cookie! The meat in the hamburger! The middle man! And that’s exactly, why I couldn’t blog. My writers block was caused by me being out-matched.

So please tengage, slow down? Maybe vinny can keep up with the rest of you, and maybe I can find that intersection that leads me off this road of writer blockage. Thank you.
Points: 0 5 comments
Play the game—or go away Sep 5, 2008
To be honest; this right here is more a beef more than anything. No thinking or connectional shit right here. The following is what’s bringing the game down in my opinion. I don’t know if this could be corrected or prevented; but here it is.

In active players. I’m not just talking about the newbie’s that sign up and fail to play after signing up. I’m talking about the ball-less rookies. The people who sign up for a rookie’s game, and go inactive immediately after the game starts. They sit back for 7 days, to sign back on and see how well they’ve been carried through the entire game. While people who actually played it the right way; get eliminated. They sit back until the game is over, or come back on the last day to post a lot, and try to score a top 3 spot or something. And then? They join a new game and do it all over again.

You people are pricks, and ruin it for the rest of us. The idiots who simply turn there back on there alliance member when there up against the in-actives? Fuck you too. I’m sorry, I just won’t sugar coat this for you morons doing this type of shit. How do you people turn on your alliance, against in-actives? Have you have no pair of balls? Did god forget to slap you with a pair, before you were conceived? If you are a girl, do you like watching kitten’s cry? Do you have any heart? I’d wish a pain full death on you all; but I think living in your moronic, idiotic, pig shit smelling skin, is enough torture already. I hate you, seriously. I want to round you all up, and destroy your computers simultaneously with high grade explosives. I’m done.
Points: 0 22 comments
The explanation (First rookies game) Sep 1, 2008
Getting straight into things. This blog only really matters to the people, in my first rookie game. Anyways. I was eliminated 6th…again. And I had a few things, which I didn’t admit to or stayed away from, for the good of the game. This is it. So to put things straight, Daniel. I was planning to put you up, if I had the last HOH. Planning. Was I going to go through with it? I had doubts. I put up Tasha, simply to keep you in the game longer. If I kept you both, I’d be screwed if you were to turn on me, which after a quick argument of a spoiled joke, I knew it was a big possibility. So I had her voted out.

So yes, I didn’t put you up, because you deserved to be here. Even for an extra day, the possibility of the final four was there too. I just needed tasha out, or that wasn’t a possibility to begin with. I think you know now, that the friendship was genuine.  It wasn’t for my game play, it was probably the one thing that kept you safe. I had the numbers, if I wanted you out.

Now, as of WHY I wanted you out? Simply put, to keep my alliance and my agreements with people safe. I wasn’t aligned with you. This doesn’t mean next time, I would put up someone just because of that, I’m just saying that’s how it was in the position I was in. And so I got played. Because the one person I kept safe, ended up stabbing me in the back. She will get her own, special blog. Even when you put me up, technically, I had the numbers to remain in the game. But I should’ve known, that’s never a certainty. The worst thing was? I was backstabbed for nothing. No personal gains, no game strategy, I just got backstabbed for the hell of it.

That’s a load of shit, and I take that more than just ‘’game play’’. Whatever. Dan, we are cool. You played all game play, and nothing personal. Still; I hope this makes sense, as to why I was going to put you up in the first place. It had not much to me getting my little first place badge; but living up to my word with my alliance. Simple as. It’s a shame, I lived up to my word—and someone else’s means nothing. Most importantly, I’ll chalk this one up as a learning experience. Play with an Iron heart next time, and go with your gut. And congradulations on the win, Dan. You played the better game.
Points: 0 3 comments
Game suggestions (Pt. 1) Aug 31, 2008
Alright, so seeing how I’ve made a thread dismissing a few suggestions. I thought it was now to do something productive and make suggestions up. These are going to be in like 3 parts, just because they maybe long to read. The first part would be for outside the actual game. The blogs, the messages, the front page ect.  Cutting right down to the chase.

My first suggestion would be small, and that’s regarding the blogs. Can we please have spaces? I hate the fact that I write something and it’s all clumped together. Alright, so it’s my own pet peeve. Moving onto other things.

Language. Now, I swear a lot. But I hold back in this game, it isn’t needed at times. I don’t mind it personally, but please tell me why it’s against the rules yet not enforced? I don’t care about the swearing. But I think it’s ridiculous there’s 10 year old kids playing this game, and not a single word as a filter on it. If this game is age 17+ up or something, fine. There also shouldn’t be any excuse for hate speech, racism, and other types of degrading terms used with out a filter. Then again though, I think it’s the 10 year olds who actually are immature and use this type of language. Pathetic

Pointless blogs. Okay, real funny. This maybe pointless to you, well stop reading. Right now. If you think this is pointless, GTFO off my blog. Moving on. No more one lined blogs. Have a character limit of at least 3 sentences. I think blogs should be voted to the front page, the one’s being most voted go up the following day. Then again, this isn’t that big of a deal. I can tell garbage from decent, just by reading the title. If it’s spelt wrong, chances are…well you know.

Last but not least. Ban cheaters. No more red noses. It does nothing positive for the game, they shouldn’t be playing anyways. I never seen a game in my life, where they didn’t bad abusers with multiple accounts and what not? If they’re innocent? Than give them back there account. I know this game is really new, but it has some ways to go. I know randomized works hard on it, but those are some of my suggestions regarding game extras. I know a few new updates were made yesterday, very cool.
Points: 0 19 comments