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Posts 59 posts

BIG BROTHER; UNITY (New game) Jan 21, 2009
imageWelcome to Big Brother; Unity. This group game is based of big brother, but with a major twist. This game will be held in teams of two. Each applicant will fill out a form, and then assigned to pairs at random. Will you bring your partner to the end? Or will only one of you survive this game? While you may end up on the block with your partner, only one of you will be going home; the other? Will be teamed up with surviver the following/or upcoming week. Dynamics will change. Alliences will fall. Will teamwork bring victory? Join the group today! Special thanks to Irvin Icon, for the logo he has provided us with.
Thats the discription. Join up, read the rules, fill out an application...and let us play. Now, off to whore my game in your private message boxes.
Points: 30 2 comments
Hack your way out of your own stupidity. Jan 19, 2009
Saphire has been hacked. No, wait. She wasn't...

I'm laughing my ass of at this. I had a few bursts of anger, but I'm laughing now. Saphire was hacked. Well, that's what they want you to believe. I didn't see any posts, nor did I see the way ''she typed'' her comments, but seriously, anyone could change up their writing if they put there fucking brain into it. On second thought, we may have a slight problem.

Still, you have to wonder how this all came about. I'm sure it went something like this...

Bubbley: ZOMG! The public is hating us right about now, Saphy <3. What if our pre-made allience begins to realise we have the final three onlock?

Saphire: Iam befuzzled.  This isn't HOT!

Bubbley: Plus we need to rebuild our image, I did it like 10 times beforeeee. It should be easy. lol

Saphire: Iam going to make another video blog. It'll be HOT.

Bubbley: No more video blogs, saphy. <3. We are going to need more than that to survive here, lol. I was thinking maybe you can get hacked?

Saphire: Okaayy. My password is...

Bubbley: No,  silly! Don't actually give me your password, lol. Just pretend like you've been hacked. Say abunch of awful things, and then play victim afterwards. It'll be a huge vote draw <3.

Saphire: Iam not sure about this.

Bubbley: No, it'll work. Trust me <3. After you get hacked; magically you'll appear a few hours to let us all know about it. You won't delete any freinds, or tamper with any information, you'll just act like an idiot--and then play victim afterwards!


Bubbley: ...What? lol. They'll believe it. Because every day people get hacked, and post dirty comments for seemingly no reason at all. The hackers are always sure to give back the account, a mere hour later. It all makes perfect sense <3


Bubbley: ...Where is this anger coming from? <3. Don't be dinnaaa, now. lol


Bubbley: Perfect. <3
Brought to you by, Stars 10.  The BULLSHIT addition. Nominate these two, TODAY.
Points: 239 35 comments
Randomize says... Jan 19, 2009
Welcome to Randomize says...and today, our special guest is--you guessed it. Randomize! Please, if you haven't clapped yet--do so now, randomized owns your life. and mine.

Vin asks: Randomize what do YOU have to say about pre-made alliences?

Randomize says: I believe it's a great strategy. It takes a lot of skill and a lot of preperation. I mean, before you join you must set a time and date--so your allience makes it into the game at the same time. The more memebers the better. I'm sure you've joined with a few freinds.

Vin says: I have; but don't you believe it's a little whack bringing an entire majority to the game?

Randomize says: No, I mean it's great strategy. Your a stars for a reason. Man up and act like it.

Vin asks: Well, recently there's been some chaos. King Mac has been running wild. When do you plan on putting an end to his personal attacks, and over all incompentance on tengaged?

Randomize says: Here at tengaged we take these things serious. He'll be receiving a harsh one day ban under the pretence of douchebaggary. If he claims he's sorry, the ban will be lifted effectively immediately.

Vin asks: Isn't that sorta...short?

Randomize: ...what if he was to die the next day? I think it's long enough, he'll learn his lesson.

Vin asks: What's up with the new algorium problems? Am I going to be eliminated even though I'm not nominated, and I'm not on the block?

Randomize says: Shit happens.

Vin asks: Okay, well let's get more specific. How did Phanne win two HOH's in a row?

Randomize says: Bitch was super active. 10 times the regular amount. So I was like, screw rules. We'll give her a second HOH.

Vin asks: Can you please remove the negging feature on blogs?

Randomize says: Why?

Vin says: ...You'll see.
DISCLAIMER: These convos are not real, and never happened. Randomized is a hard worker, and I'm merly making some fun out of it all. Phanne too. Get over it. Love you all.
Points: 66 8 comments
Stars 10; My plea Jan 18, 2009
‘’If they go for your neck; protect it. Let them take your arm; you still have another one to swing with’’- Quote by me.

So, I’m in stars 10. To get something straight; I’m not greedy for this game. I played in stars 8, but under a stressful schedule. Stars 8; I saw the chance to get in and I took it blindly. It was fun; but I do regret it. It’s rare I get almost a full week off a school, so I made the decision to sign up again. I probably won’t be back for another 5 seasons at least. So for those still wanting to get in the game; I’m sorry! I know many of you have yet to play, good luck.

I’m not going to lie. I hate being on the block. Like many of you know, even if you see it coming it still stings. I’ve looked to past seasons; especially the recent ones and I know I don’t stand much of a chance. Not as big as people portray, at least. You won’t see me with a sharpie, you won’t see me singing and dancing in-front of a camera, nor drop any popular tag lines. These have all worked, and I love those who’ve done that because they’ve done something new, it’s just not for me.

If there’s any reasons why you should keep me in, or support me; it’s simple. I play the game to the best of my ability. My ability right now; is boxed in with limited moves and opportunities; and my only lifeline remains with the tengaged population as of now. I always seem to be looked at as the ‘’threat’’—never understood it, especially since my return, but looking at this game; I’m no threat.

To those in the game; in this alliance?  You have large numbers and it probably feels really good right now, but they won’t last forever. Not all of you will end up being stabbed in the back or cut off in the process—but not all of you can make the finals either. It’s important we ALL in this game sit back and look at our positions, and truly evaluate them to the best of your ability. Then move on from there, it doesn’t have to suite anyone but ourselves.

To those support me, I thank you. I gave up and was strongly detoured last time around; and you guys came through for me stronger than I had expected. In turn; I won’t give up on you guys this time around.
Points: 130 13 comments
Leave the god damn birds alone! Jan 16, 2009
So yesterday, as most of you probably know. A plane crash happened. You know the drill, luckily everyone on board made it out alive. However, a few hours later. Clearly, the survival of the people on board wasn't the story here. No. Happy endings, aren't good enough for the television media. So, instead of the mircale type landing--they turn it around. They blame it on birds. Yes, fucking birds.
It barely been a day, and some how they've peiced together the cause of the accident. You know, it's mighty impressive. Ever since; that's all I hear about now. Birds Vs. Planes. Birds are a huge danger to planes. Birds are evil. It's ridicolous. Honestly, I've never heard about any of this until now. Now, birds have become air's worst enemy. What the fuck.
Now, I know there isn't going to be anything crazy done. There will be no massive killing of birds, but seriously? The media has gone crazy on this. Time and time again, they mention how rare this whole situation is--yet they go through lengths to shove it down our throats. If there is a beheading on a bus--they need to install camera's on all buses so it doesn't happen again. You know, because clearly a camera is going to stop a physco from cutting someone's head off; despite 30 people standing around anyways to see it happen anyways. Now, don't get me wrong. This entire bird thing, it's not my main point here. It leads to a much bigger picture.
You see me? I'm black. Suposedly, I shoot, rob, and kill people at least once a month. This has been protrayed by the same media fuck jobs, that are making birds look like the number one public enemy. I know within two weeks, everyone will forget about this--but this is a perfect example of how the media blows something out of proportion, and scares people. Now? Now people are scared to fly, with-out lazer beams shooting these said birds out of the fucking sky. There is no greater proproganda then the news.
So let me ask you all. Do you feel the same way, when you watch the news tube? Are you more inclined not to fly now? Do you think they should take extra measures to ensure things like this doesn't happen, no matter how rare it maybe? Share.
Points: 46 14 comments
Stars 8; The cry for survival. Jan 7, 2009
image<------Do not let the terroist win!

Hey tengaged world! Here I am. And for once, no long winded rant! I know why I’m up, I have a grasp on who voted me up; which I will sort out when I return from school. This is a public plea of sorts; a desperate chance of survival. One last effort to last another day. This bootleg campaign, running off a dollar twenty five—it isn’t against Sarah Noel, but a campaign for myself. For my supporters cheering me on, and for my desperate cries for help—I hope my prayers are answered.
To the assholes who did this to me; you will fall. If I leave tonight, Noel is going to whip your asses, BAY BAY! Yeah, I dropped the tag line. That’s when you know I mean business. You’ve created a monster, and you know exactly who you are---so continue to point fingers elsewhere.

I want to wish Noel Sarah, the best of luck.
‘’This house and game, it’s been cut throat. Knifes have become bloody. If I’m evicted by a power-play; I may bleed, not in the color of red, but in the name of honor’’ –Vindication.
Points: 43 16 comments