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Truth Sauce; what flavor would YOU like?

Posts 59 posts

Need no censorship! Feb 9, 2009
imageThis message is sponsored by the EVIL ALGORIUM; it’s coming to get ya!
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s star!  And nobody cares. How many of you see my new look? I haven’t changed clothes in months, until this new renovation. My fancy suite and my cool glasses. You know I mean business now!  So basically, after two failed attempts at stars, I tried for it again. I met with producers they were really nice.
Vindication: ‘’It’s a pleasure to sign on with another season of your show’’
The producer returned to me a blank stare.
Producer: ‘’You are the token black guy. Look, the only reason you’ve been invited to participate again is because we know your going to do something crazy and get naked, alright?’’
Vindication: ‘’…I’m more than just ratings damn it.’’

Produce: ‘’Ratings? Heh, you think your hear to bring in RATINGS? We have kathreya for that, nice try. Get naked.’’

Vindication: …

Producer: What are you doing? …Wait until you get into the house please.
So now that I’m in the house; I still haven’t gotten naked. Damn producers, don’t have anything on me! I refused to be used. Now, that the story has been told on how I’ve found the gem that is Stars 13; I would love to have your support through out. If not, then try to keep up with it (it’s been an crazy game) and support someone. I guess that’s it.
Now is the time, I should probably bribe you. But if Kathreya's horse hair didn't do it, I have nothing.
…back to stars and our regularly sheduled strip poker game!
Points: 17 2 comments
The nightmarrish scripture Feb 7, 2009
imageI was bored, so I sat down and wrote this. Read this please, before you simply neg based off this picture. It’s what I based this written on. This is just my poetic side.

Dust and rebel, make a place where we children play
Destination meet crossroads X us out on the spot we lay
On the spot we pray, prepare for the darkest may
Sun witness slaughter, his daughter, today dark as yesterday
Tomorrow comes sorrow; time is borrowed at a costly price
Discount for yesterday, for he spent an arm and a leg twice
This is my home; with our hands we roll this devil paradise
Snake eyes; stare at shattered dreams, appearing only half as nice

‘’With oath we swear to tell nothing but the truth and nothing but the truth, but its evident this is false, so hang your former president’’


Praying for a prayer; allowed it to ascend above in flight
Right along our assassins, sanctioned death to make it right
Left with no where to hide; explosions side by side
I stand where I stand, hoping this thunder will pass me by
Let out a sigh. Quicker the death, the quicker my soul rise
To the heavens above….
Vision descends; the war planes wings still soar in an ocean of blue
Questioned my life, answers my death. A dream came true…
You’ve saved me.
Points: 25 2 comments
BIG BROTHER; Unity (Live show #1) Jan 29, 2009
image*This is taking a group games to a whole new level. There is a LOT of reading involved, so this may/or may not be for you. Pre-warned.
BIG BROTHER; Unity's theme song blasts the PA system as the camera spins into what is a crowd of clapping and cheering fans. The camera spins around catching a 360 degree look at the audience around them and then settles in the middle of the set, where Rob Smith stands by a television set with a microphone in hand.

Rob Smith: Welcome to BIG BROTHER; Unity, I am your host Rob smith! Today, is our live eviction cermoney. After a shocking twist in the big brother house; EssexGirl and Iampaxton walked away with the seasons first HOH competition. Here's a quick recap on mondays events.

[The scene switches off to a shot of the big brother living room. Each houseguest is lined up beside of their partners; as Vindication walks into the back door with a pair of fancy gucci glasses; because that's how Vindication rolls. Vindication removes his glasses; before smiling to the cast]

Vindication: do like your teams?

[The houseguests are split with emotion. Some appear to be happy with their teammates flashing them a happy smile; where as Yankee and Kitsune both shake there heads making no secret that they don't like each-other too much. Vindication chews on a peice of gum, before non cooly continuing on]

Vindication: I hope you get to know them; because the person beside you? They aren't your patner.

[Some faces are elated with shock; others elated with outright excitement. More hide their emotions for each-other, soley for strategic bases]

Vindication: So head into the Dairy room, and tell me who you really want to partner up with. You have until tonight to choose your partners. Choose carefully, because you don't want to be stuck with the wrong person. Good luck.

[Vindication walks off; as the houseguests mutter amongst each-other. Drama and Katie share a hug, Kitsune and Yankee both feel elated by the good news as Yankee shouts out ''Thank god'' the two engage in various words of chatter and taunts; as Maggie simply slips behind the scene avoiding all trouble. The scene cuts out, and then shows how each-person voted]

And back to the live show...
Part 2

[Rob Smith stands by the BIG BROTHER; Unity set with a microphone in hand]

Rob Smith: A shocking challenge, yes it was. Because later in the night, it was announced that who they choose as a partner, only gave the person they choose and their respective partner, a extra push towards the HOH. In the end; EssexGirl and Iampaxton walked away with the HOH and had to choose a team to go on the block. Let's take a look...

[The scene switches to day 2 in the big brother mansion; as EssexGirl and Iampaxon lift up a large circular create into the middle of the living room table. Essex then calls the housemates into the living room, as all 20 contestants take their seat along an enormous table. Essex and Iampaxton both gave a small speech on their powers for the week]

[Iampaxton cited the following: ''These nominations were a tough choice; and I hope nobody takes them personal'' Essexgirl would wish the two compititors good luck before clasping her hands together and taking a seat. One by one the keys were pulled; and faces were elated with joy. Others trying to remain calm and cool; and in the case of the last two teams to remain a key Blair and Jeffypop along with Summerlily and Maggie; they put quite the sweat on. In the end...]

Essexgirl: I'm sorry, Summerlily and Maggie we have decided to nominate you for eviction this week.

[Summerlily didn't seem to mind; where as Maggie held her composure citing that there was nothing personal about her choice. Summerlily, however broke down by the pressure, and would later tarnish her chance to win POV; later on this. The housemates would all stand up and pay the HOH's with there respect, as the night would come to a close]

Part 3

[We go back to Rob Smith who flashes a sly grin, as he welcomes the viewers back to the show]

Rob Smith: Hello, big brother fans. We have brought you the HOH compitition and the cermoney, and we have much more in store for you tonight. Now, it's time to take a look at the POV challenge; which put compititors wits against each-other; who emerged victorious and walked away with the POV? Let's take a look....

[Day 3 the camera rotates around settling in-front of a large stage set up. Pictures of the houseguests hang behind the out-door set, and podiums are all lined up for each compititor to take there stand to answer the questions that had awaited him. Rob Smith dressed in a goofy suite; with big eye glasses read out the challenge]

Rob Smith: How well do you know your housemates?

[The screen fades to grey; and then quickly flashes through a bunch of the contestants guesses. It shows Chels05 answering quickly, and then trying to change her tune; but it's already to late as the buzzer hits. It flashes to Maggie; who answers the questions her question in what only could be described as lightening speed. It than flashes to Katie; who seemingly manges to get every question she answered wrong, as the buzzer rings...rings...and rings just for special effect]

[It then stops between Chels05 and Kitsuneinferno. As the two clips mesh together; makes it appear as if they were challenging each-other one on one. In an impressive meeting however; Kitusune would walk away the winner; with the most correct answers along with the quickest speed in which he answered the questions]

Rob Smith: Congratulations...Kitsune you have won the POV!

[Kitsune bows his head as he grabs hold of the veto; and all the housemates come rushing to him to greed him with the a hug. Yankee, again showing his feelings public claims that this has ''Made him sick'' before walking off seperating himself from the pack; as the scene fades]

[We then go back to a cheering loud crowd; as Rob Smith sits in between a few fans of the crowd. Rob smith asks who the fans are rooting for...]

Fan 1: I'm going with my girl chels05!

Fan 2: I think Lemon is a great player, expect him to make some big moves. I'm rooting for him!

[Rob than leans over to a fan in the crowd with an ''I love alisowned'' t-shirt, before asking them the same question]

Fan 3: Their all in it for the CHEQUE; I'm rooting mis-fits BAY BAY

[Rob smith returns a preplexed look to the camera]

Rob Smith: Speaking of entertainment, we had a fair share this week...

[We hit some cheezy music; as Lemon is seen in-front of his housemates doing a goofy dance wearing his signature pair of eye glasses. A shot of Kitsune in the corner is also seen humping a plant; as a few of the other houseguests watch on before breaking into a fit of laughter. The shot also shows Dramalama preforming an odd play in-front of her housemates; as Mike Basirat screams out excitement ''Wooo dramalama'' ...Mike then looks in both directions as the housemates have began to talk to each-other, mike shurgs his shoulders and claps for Drama who takes a bow anyways]

[Big words then appear...Kitsune Vs. Yankee1001. The teammates fued plays on through differen't sega's; a shot of Yankee showing his displeasure with his teammate in the diary room; to Kitsune holding the POV out in the open; for Yankee's eyes to see. The two would share a few heated words; drop a few heated phrases, and then talk to the housemates about it. The scene ends with Yankee leaning over a counter; staring at Kitsune who only flashes a smile back at him]

Part 4

[The shot opens back up to Rob Smith standing in-front of the camera. On the screen; it shows the housemates all seated in the nomination/eviction living room; with Summerlily and Blair sitting on the sofa staring up at the camera]

Rob Smith: On day 4; Kitsune had the option of removing one member off the block, and replacing them with a pick of his choice. HOH's were uneligible; but everyone including his own partner could be placed up for eviction. Take a look at this shocking veto cermoney, because by the end of it; some's trip in the Big Brother's house would be cut short.

[Rob smith stood on by; infront of all the houseguests with Kitsune the POV holder by his side. Kitsune spoke...]

Kitsune: As you all know, I have won the POV. With that I am given the oppertunity to remove one member off the block; replacing him/or her with a choice of my own. In excersing my choice; I have decided to use the POV.

[The housemates look on; most aren't shocked. The nominees are given a blast of new hope; as Yankee simply watches on. Kitsune uses the veto on Maggie; who greets kitsune with a greatful hug. Kitsune never losing his composure continues on]

Kitsune: And with this, I must find a replacement nominee.

[Kitsune pauses]

Kitsune: ...Blair I have decided to nominate you for eviction.

[Blair keeping a relatively low profile is caught off guard as she looks on with shock. Jeffypop beside her pats her on the back; as she get's up and takes her seat not appearing to me the happiest camper. Yankee watches on shaking his head all the way; while Kitsune explains that it was nothing personal, and it's the way of the game...when suddenly]

[The housemates look to the door entrance; as does Rob Smith the host of the show. Vindication comes marching in before greeting Rob with a hand shake. The housemates look on shocked as Vindication speaks on...]

Vindication: ...By chance, how many people participated in the POV and HoH challenges?

[The screen flashes back to day one and day 3; where Multivolume is seen sleeping in during her challenge; the time beside her bed flashes as she makes no effort to get up. The screen then switches back to a shot of Vindication; as the housemates eyes wonder around in confusion. Multivolume seated in the corner raises her hand]

Vindication: For a second; let's forget the nominations. And let's remember that this is a game in which you are supposed to expect the unexpected. Multivolume; you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

[Multivolume and the other housemates looked on shocked; as Vindication walks out. The housemates don't even move; as they comprehend what just happend, the scene fades]

[The shot then goes back to Rob Smith standing by; as he clicks the red button]

Rob Smith: Hello, houseguests. How are you all doing?

[Fine, good, groovy. The house guests all reply]

Rob Smith: Summerlily, and Blair you both have been placed on the block this week. And a 1 on 1 challenge was supposed to be announced tonight; but Vindication. He has a personal message for you all; please wait.

Part 5

[The houseguests all look at each-other; some uttering words of fear. Mike B cites that ''You never know what to expect from Vin'' where as others believe they may go home after the POV's events. Vindication comes marching through the door; like a movie star as he marches into the nomination room. He greets Essex Girl and Iampaxton first as they sit in two large green chairs; with the nominees seated on a smaller red chair right beside them]

Vindication: Hello, houseguests. I know, you all cannot wait to see your challenge. And so...I'm going to give you what you want. The challenge for these two nominees? Is to surive a double eviction. There's been a lot of things, that I have not been to happy about thus far in the game. Some people just don't seem to care; and in turn, I'm not here to make them famous; and they aren't going to make a name off my show, while not giving a crap about it.

[The housemates are taken a back; while Blair closes her eyes in fear. Vindication turns to the nominees]

Vindication: Now that the game has started; Blair...get off the block. You surive.

[Blair looks around shocked; as she slowly stands up and thanks Vindication who returns a quick nod. Vindication turns around and points to Sexiback who is seated right beside mike. Sexiback, your on the block]

[The housemates utter ''What?'' as Sexiblack nods her head before taking a seat on the new nominee chair; trying to control her fustrations. Vindication that delivers the final blow...]

Vindication: ...And now, you BOTH are evicted. I'm sorry.

[The housemates just being taken from a roller coaster to roller coaster; get up most cases dissapointed as they hug their former housemates. We then go to an outside shot of the house; where Rob Smith stands by]

Rob Smith: Wow, what a shocking turn events. A triple elimination in just a span of the week. However; the night of suprises are not over. I have just been told of a new housemate that will be walking in; right now...FACEBOOK!]

[Facebook emerges through the crowd throwing his hands up excitement as he walks over to Rob Smith greeting him with a handshake]

Rob Smith: You have just gotten a shot of a live time my freind, use it wisely.

Part 6

[Facebook smiles and flashes a quick nod as he wastes no time jogging down a small path extending his hands to the fans reaching out to him; as he enters the big brother house. We go to the live cameras; as facebook makes his grand entry to his housemates who have now made it to the kitchen to prepare of the upcoming challenge. The housemates all standing by waiting for the challenge; with Vindication as host]

Vindication: Oh, and I forogot. You guys should really introduce yourself to your new housemate.

[Vindication points behind him as Facebook walks in shaking the casts hand as other housemates simply shake there head; knowing full well ANYTHING can happen in this game. We go back to the live crowd for the last time as the show comes to an end]

Rob Smith: ...And that's all for tonight, we'll be back next thursday. Peace and love!

*BIG BROTHER'S THEME SONG PLAYS; As the crowd claps and the show slowly fades to black; the ending off with a shot of the BIG BROTHER; Unity logo.
Points: 41 7 comments
Support the Good Guys! Jan 29, 2009
imageRoot for the good guys...
<----------------Or the terroists win.

I'm not doing this for whorage. Nor because I'm bored. I'm doing it for a group game; and my team is counting on me to bring in the bacon. All I ask is for YOUR support, and you get a peice of my bacon. My bacon= your bacon. We're all freinds here, and we all love bacon. So; root for the good guys, because good guys are good...better...than the other team.
In other news, I've failed marketing. This is why^^^
Points: 79 9 comments
BIG BROTHER; Unity (The last call) Jan 24, 2009
imageHey, everyone. As most of you know, I'm hosting big brother unity. In short terms, this is basically a team (of two) version of big brother, in which the teams will be paired at random.
There's been a great turn out for applications thus far, and if you still want to join, you have time. I'm going out today, so when I gain acess to a computer, I will close applications. 10 PM EST is a safe bet, so sign up before then and you'll have a shot at playing. I will take a look at all the applications, and choose the competitors and announce it soon afterwards. Expect that an hour or two later between 11PM-12AM EST time.
For those who had a bad expreince with this type of game, I feel your pain, and I can guarantee this game will work out much better. So, I'd say give it another shot, it'll be worth it. Read the rules, and sign up if you haven't!
Points: 43 5 comments
No long drawn out thoughts, no conclusions, just a simple message Jan 23, 2009
image...Vote Azndude out of stars. You've got rid of Sarah Palin, now let's aim for someone dumber (Yes, even with bubbleyangel and saphire rose whoring it up, this is possible) I would not be suprised, if the moron campeigned for his own elimination. Nor, would I be suprised if he costed his own elimination by being well...himself. A big bag of douche.
John Mcain approves this message.
Points: 48 9 comments